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Ajanta Cave 1 part of scene probably representing the story of the conversion of nanda
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story central antechamber back wall to left of entrance of shrine
Ajanta Cave no 1 part of a scene probably representing the story of the conversion of nanda
Ajanta Cave 1 part of the story of the Mahajanka Jataka scene
Ajanta Cave 1 part of the story of the Mahajanka Jataka
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine details of right jamb of entrance
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story right wall of central antechamber
Ajanta Cave no 1 part of the story of the Mahajanaka Jataka in the centre is scene of dance and music designed to amuse king Mahajanaka
Ajanta Cave 2 part of the story of an unidentified Jataka
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine details of left jamb of entrance
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story central antechamber back wall to right of entrance of shrine
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story central antechamber painting on left wall at foot of sculptured standing Buddha
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine left jamb of entrance
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine Lower portion of right wall
Ajanta cave no 17: Story of Nalagiri
Golbai Excavation : Floor And Post Holes 0
Besnagar: post Gupta structure bsn-1, a1