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Ajanta Cave 10 cell no 3 Buddha litany
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Ajanta Cave 1 Mahajanka Jataka Mahajanka going out on an elephant to meet a saint
Ajanta Cave 1 Mahajanka Jataka appinee probably Mahajanka seated under or namented pavilion is being given ceremonial bath before coronation
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling detail
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 left wall details
Ajanta Cave 1 part of unidentified scene a queen seated on a cushion and surrounded retinue and conversing with the king
Ajanta Cave 10 Buddha and one eyed monk
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 10th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 11th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 12th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 13th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 5th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 6th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 7th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 8th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 left wall 9th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 10th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 11th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 12th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 13th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 14th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 5th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 6th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 7th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 8th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 right wall 9th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 16 verandah panel to left of entrance overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 1st overlapping view to right of entrance
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 11 and 12 diagonal view from back corridor
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 16, 15 diagonal view from right corridor
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to left of entrance 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to left of entrance details
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to right of entrance 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 right wall 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 5 side facing sermon hall
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling veranda detail
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall at end of front corridor
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall details
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall of left chapel
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall at end of front corridor
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall details
Ajanta Cave 26 left wall sketches above horizontal figure
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story left wall of central antechamber
Ajanta Cave 7 veranda panel to left of entrance before cleaning
Ajanta Cave 9 back wall overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 ceiling above of right aisle
Ajanta Cave 9 column 21 diagonal view
Ajanta Cave 9 column 9 diagonal view
Ajanta Cave 9 frieze and medial sides of columns 4 and 5
Ajanta Cave 9 front wall to left of entrance overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall eighth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall fifth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall first overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall fourth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall second overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall seventh overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall sixth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 left wall third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 9 right wall above colonmade
Ajanta Cave no 1 Bodhisttva Avalokitesvara
Ajanta Cave no 1 Bodhisttva Padmapani
Ajanta Cave no 16 niravana of Buddha
Ajanta Cave no 17
Ajanta Cave no 17 Vessantara Jataka
Ajanta Cave no 17 close-up of the sence Vessantara Jataka
Ajanta Cave no 17 palace scene
Ajanta Cave no 17 part of the story of Vessantara Jataka
Ajanta Cave no 17 varanda ceiling central medallion
Ajanta Cave no 26
Ajanta Cave no 29 facade
Ajanta Caves no 1 façade details
Ajanta Caves no 16 Nagaraj
Ajanta Caves no 7 façade details
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to left of antechamber details
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 19-20
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 front wall to left of enterance details
Ajanta cave 1 front wall to right of enterance
Ajanta cave 1 left wall details
Ajanta cave 17 antechamber back wall to left of entrance of shrine
Ajanta cave 17 back wall left of antechamber detail
Ajanta cave 17 back wall to right of antechamber details
Ajanta cave 17 left front pilaster, medial side detail
Ajanta cave 17 left wall at end of front corridor detail
Ajanta cave 17 left wall detail
Ajanta cave 17 left wall of antechamber details
Ajanta cave 17 medial side left, rear pilaster detail
Ajanta cave 17 right wall at end of back corridor
Ajanta cave 17 right wall details
Ajanta cave 17 veranda capitals of column 4-5
Ajanta cave 17 veranda to right of entrance detail
Ajanta cave 4 female figure on entrance doorway
Ajanta cave 5 standing female figure on entrance doorway
Ajanta cave no 11: Ceiling painting
Ajanta cave no 11: Verandah figures
Ajanta cave no 11: flying figures
Ajanta cave no 16 : a bracket figure
Ajanta cave no 16: Flying figures painting
Ajanta cave no 16:Dying Princess
Ajanta cave no 17 : mother and child with Buddha, a painting
Ajanta cave no 17 : painting in the varandah
Ajanta cave no 17 : toilet sence painting
Ajanta cave no 17: Hansa- Jataka
Ajanta cave no 17: Singhalavadan Jataka
Ajanta cave no 17: Somaaudda- Jataka
Ajanta cave no 17: Varadah- Apsara
Ajanta cave no 17: Viswantara- Jataka
Ajanta cave no 17: varadah ceiling paintings
Ajanta cave no 17: varadah painting palace sence
Ajanta cave no 19 : the standing Buddha
Ajanta cave no 19: Facade Yaksha
Ajanta cave no 19: Facade- Standing Buddha
Ajanta cave no 19: Yaksha on Facade
Ajanta cave no 1: Ceiling Khusru and Shirin
Ajanta cave no 1: Champaye Jataka
Ajanta cave no 1: Door Jamb Figures
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Details
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Details- A Couple
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Details- Two Birds
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Panel
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Reliefs
Ajanta cave no 1: Painting Mahajanak Jataka
Ajanta cave no 1: Painting Sankhpala Jataka
Ajanta cave no 20 : a bracket figure
Ajanta cave no 20 bracket figure
Ajanta cave no 20 interior female on makra
Ajanta cave no 20 interior mithuna
Ajanta cave no 23 : pillar details
Ajanta cave no 24 : detail of a pillar
Ajanta cave no 24, 25 and 26
Ajanta cave no 24: Brackets
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation of Buddha
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel- Upper portion from left
Ajanta cave no 26: chaitya hall
Ajanta cave no 2: A sence from Vidur Pandit Jataka
Ajanta cave no 2: Antechamber Ceiling
Ajanta cave no 2: Mahamaya Panel
Ajanta cave no 2: Painting on a pillar
Ajanta cave no 2: Veradah
Ajanta cave no 2: Vidur Pandit Jataka
Ajanta cave no 4: Salabhanjika
Ajanta cave no 5: door jamb couples
Ajanta cave no 5: door jamb figures
Ajanta cave no 7: Bhuddhas in antechambers
Ajanta cave no 9 : the Buddha on the façade
Ajanta caves from view point
Ajanta caves no 4 Buddha
Ajanta cell no 2 near cave 10 Buddhas
Ajanta cell no 3 near cave 10 : Buddha
Ajanta general view of caves 24 to 27
Ajanta general view of caves no 1 and 2
Ajanta niche 2 between caves 9 and 10 Bodhisattva and Buddha
Ajanta niche 2 between caves 9 and 10 Bodhisattva and Buddha avalekitesvara
Ajanta niche 2 near cave 10 : Buddha
Ajanta – caves 16 to 19
Ajanta – caves 6 to 19
Ajanta – general view of caves from view point
Ajanta: general view of cave no 1
Anant Gumpha cave
Approach to sapta parika caves
Badami Cave no.1: Natraja
Badami Cave no.1: pillar details
Badami Cave no.2: ganas
Badami Cave no.2: pillar details
Badami Cave no.3: bracket figures
Badami Cave no.3: dwarfs
Badami Cave no.3: interior
Badami Cave no.4: general view
Bagh Cave 3 : facade figures
Bagh Cave 4 : painting
Bagh Caves : cave no. 2
Bagh Caves : cave no. 4 view showing damaged pillar
Barabhuj cave
Bezawada : Undavalli Cave
Bezawada : Undavalli Cave general view of the main cave
Bezawada : Undavalli Caves
Bezwada : Akanamadana Cave : close up of Arjuna’s pillar
Bezwada : Akanamadana cave : close up of Arjuna’s pillar
Buddha standing in Katarak cave
Cave 1
Cave 10
Cave 10: left wall, 4th overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 5th overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 6th overlapping view
Cave 11
Cave 11: back wall to right of shrine
Cave 11: right wall
Cave 12
Cave 14
Cave 15
Cave 15: ante-chamber, left portion of ceiling
Cave 16
Cave 16 (Kailasa)
Cave 16 (Kailasa): a view
Cave 16: Verandah ceiling, medallion in center
Cave 16: Verandah, frieze on interior of beam
Cave 16: Verandah, left end wall
Cave 16: Verandah, panel to left of entrance
Cave 16: back wall to left of shrine, 3rd view
Cave 16: back wall, 2nd panel right of entrance
Cave 16: back wall, 2nd panel to right of shrine
Cave 16: front side of left front pilaster
Cave 16: front wall to left of entrance
Cave 16: left wall
Cave 16: left wall at end of front corridor
Cave 16: left wall, 1st overlapping view
Cave 16: left wall, details
Cave 16: left wall, overlapping view
Cave 16: right wall at end of front corridor
Cave 17
Cave 17: Verandah to left of entrance, detail
Cave 17: Verandah to right of entrance
Cave 17: Verandah to right of entrance, detail
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 5th overlapping view
Cave 17: back wall to R. of antechamber, details
Cave 17: back wall to left of ante-chamber 3 view
Cave 17: back wall to left of ante-chamber detail
Cave 17: base of column to left of entrance
Cave 17: base of column to right of entrance
Cave 17: columns 12, 13 and 14, diagonal view
Cave 17: columns 16, 17 and right front pilaster
Cave 17: front side of R. pilaster of antechamber
Cave 17: front wall left of entrance details
Cave 17: left wall at end of front corridor
Cave 17: left wall of antechamber, details
Cave 17: left wall, detail
Cave 17: right rear pilaster,side facing to front
Cave 17: right wall at end of back corridor
Cave 17: right wall at end of front corridor
Cave 17: right wall details
Cave 17: right wall, 2nd overlapping view
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 4th row, 2nd view
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 5th row, 4th view
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, first row
Cave 18
Cave 19
Cave 19: a view
Cave 19: ceiling of left aisle, 3rd overlapping
Cave 19: left wall, 5th overlapping view
Cave 1: a view
Cave 1: back wall to left of ante-chamber
Cave 1: back wall to right of ante-chamber
Cave 1: ceiling detail
Cave 1: ceiling of 2nd hall, 1st row at right
Cave 1: ceiling of Sermon hall, 3rd row
Cave 1: ceiling of Sermon hall, 7th row
Cave 1: ceiling of Sermon hall, 8th row
Cave 1: ceiling of sermon hall, 1st row at right
Cave 1: ceiling of sermon hall, 2nd row
Cave 1: ceiling of sermon hall, 3rd row
Cave 1: ceiling of sermon hall, 4th row
Cave 1: ceiling of sermon hall, 5th row
Cave 1: front wall to left of entrance
Cave 1: general view
Cave 1: left wall, details
Cave 1: pillar and facade
Cave 2
Cave 20
Cave 20: right portion of ceiling, 1st view
Cave 20: right portion of ceiling, 2nd view
Cave 21
Cave 21 (Rameshwar)
Cave 21 (Rameshwar): a devi
Cave 21: capitals of columns 11-12
Cave 21: capitals of columns 12-13
Cave 22 A
Cave 23
Cave 24
Cave 26
Cave 26:left wall, sketches above figure
Cave 29
Cave 2: chapel at right end of Verandah
Cave 2: interior view
Cave 2: left wall at end of front corridor
Cave 2: left wall details
Cave 2: left wall, details of test negative
Cave 2: right wall, details
Cave 2: sermon hall, ceiling, middle row
Cave 3
Cave 30
Cave 31
Cave 32
Cave 34
Cave 34: general view
Cave 3: general view
Cave 4
Cave 4: general view
Cave 5
Cave 50
Cave 6
Cave 6: upper storey
Cave 7
Cave 7: Verandah, panel to left of entrance
Cave 7: Verandah, panel to right of entrance, DE
Cave 87
Cave 89
Cave 9
Cave 90
Cave 9: back wall, overlapping view
Cave 9: ceiling above right side
Cave 9: front wall to left of entrance
Cave 9: left wall, 3rd overlapping view
Cave 9: left wall, 4th overlapping view
Cave 9: left wall, second overlapping view
Cave II
Cave III
Cave IV
Cave No 10 (Visvakarma)
Cave No 6
Cave No 8
Cave No. 17
Cave No. 19
Cave No. 20
Cave No. 23
Cave No. 24
Cave No. 26
Cave VII
Cave adjoining Takhte Rustam
Cave no 2
Cave no. 19: inscriptions on window
Cave: lower storey
Caves 10-22
Caves 2 & 3: a view
Caves: a view
Caves: general view of caves
Chaitya cave: a view
Chaitya cave: a view of stupa
Chaitya cave: general view
Chaitya cave: general view from southeast
Chil satoon cave
Dargunta caves: a view
Dhokeshwar caves: a view
Ellora Cave 18 : Narasimha
Entrance of a cave
General view of Ajanta Caves
Hampi Hemakuntan hill cave
Harimata cave
Hill of Pandulena caves: general view
Inscription on one of the caves:; a view
Jaina cave: distant view
Jaina caves: general view
Kerla cave i chaitya hall
Lala lendur Kesari cave
Lomash Rishi cave
Main cave
Main cave, chaitya hall
Main cave: view from northwest
Nasik cave
Nasik cave 23 Buddha
Nasik cave 23 Buddha in extreme left corner
Nasik cave 23 details
Nasik cave 23 open verandah 2nd cell details
Nasik cave 3 outer view
Nasik cave 3 yakkha
Nasik panduline cave general view cave no. 17 & 18
Navainimi cave
Paintings in caves
Pale: inscription in the cave
Pale: inscription inside the cave
Pale: the hill on which the cave exists
Pandulena cave no. 3: entrance details
Pandulena cave no. 6: the original land being removed
Pattan Devi : Maharastra : Jain Cave No.1 a Deity
Rani Gumpha: details of a cave
Ravalphadi cave
Sapta parika caves
Saptaparni cave
Sonbhandar cave
Udaigiri caves: general view
Varaha cave 5
Vijayawada : general view of Akana Caves
Vishesvara cave on bank of river Ravi
Cave 2: left wall, details 0
Cave 27
Ajanta Cave 10 Left wall 12th overlapping view 0
Ajanta cave no 19: Seated Buddha 0
Ajanta cave no 19 : facade 0
Caves 0
Bagh Caves : cave no. 4 sculpture 0
Pattan Devi : Maharastra : Jain Cave No.1 detail in side the Cave 0
Cave 13
Ajanta caves x : interior 0
Cave 17: Verandah, left of entrance 0
Yogeshwari cave Bombay Shiva Yogeshwara in torana on the architrove above the entrance 0
Badami Cave no.3: pillar medallion 0
Pale view of the cave 0
Bagh cave 4 painting 0
Ajanta cave 4 interior sculptures dwarf playing on a guitar on the base of a column 0
Ajanta cave no 2: Kubera 0
Cave 2: sermon hall, ceiling, back row 0
Badami Cave no.1: interior 0
Cave 25
Cave 17: front wall to left of entrance, 3rd view 0
Ajanta Cave 9 left triforium 0
Cave 28
Cave 2: sermon hall ceiling, front row 0
Cave 17: antechamber back wall left of entrance 0
Cave 33
Cave 1: capitals of columns 20-1
Rock with human head near cave 1
Bagh Cave 3. facade figures 1
Ajanta cave no 19: Facade 1
Caves 1
Ajanta Cave 1
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, cave 1
Ajanta – plan of cave no 1
Cave 1: capitals of columns 14-1
Ajanta cave 10 buddha and one eyed monk. 1
Ajanta cave 17 veranda capitals of left pilaster and column 1
Pale -the hill on which the cave exists 1
Ajanta cave 17 veranda capitals of column 1-2
Cave 2: bottoms of capitals of columns-2
Caves 2
Cave 1: ceiling of Sermon hall, 2nd row 2
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 1-2
Cave 17: Verandah, capitals of columns 1-2
Cave 1: capitals of columns 1-2
Ajanta Cave 2
Ajanta: Panoramic view of caves 10 to 2
Ajanta – plan of cave no 2
Ajanta Cave 2 bottoms of capital of columns 1-2
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 2-3
Cave 1: capitals of columns 2-3
Ajanta Cave 2 bottoms of capital of columns 2-3
Caves 3
Cave 2: bottoms of capitals of columns 2-3
Badami : cave no. 3
Cave 17: Verandah, capitals of columns 2-3
Ajanta cave 17 veranda capitals of column 2-3
Ajanta – caves 1,2 and 3
Bagh Caves : cave standing Buddha with attendants on another side cave no. 4
Caves 4
Ajanta – caves 1to 4
Cave 1: ceiling of Sermon hall, 5th row 4
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 3-4
Cave 1: capitals of columns 3-4
Cave 17: Verandah, capitals of columns 4-5
Udaygiri Cave : Varaha in cave No.5
Caves 5
Cave 9: frieze and medial sides of column 4 & 5
Ajanta Cave 16 verandah frieze on inner side of beam above column 5
Cave 2: base of column 5
Cave No 5
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 4-5
Cave 1: capitals of columns 4-5
Caves 6
Cave 1: capitals of columns 5-6
Ajanta – plan of cave no 6
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 5-6
Caves: general view from cave 6
Ajanta general view from cave 6
Cave 1: capitals of columns 6-7
Caves 7
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 6-7
Cave no 10 (Visvakarma) 8
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 7-8
Caves 8
Kanheri cave 5 to 8
Cave 1: capitals of columns 7-8
Caves 9
Ajanta – caves 3 to 9
Cave 1: capitals of columns 8-9
Cave No 9
Ajanta – plan of cave no 9
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 8-9
Caves 10
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 9-10
Ajanta – caves 1to 10
Ajanta cell 1 : interior between cave 9 and 10
Ajanta – plan of cave no 10
Cave 1: capitals of columns 9-10
Ajanta: Panoramic view of caves 22 to 10
Ajanta niche 1 : between caves 9 and 10
Cave 21: capitals of columns 10-11
Caves 11
Ajanta – caves 1to 11
Ajanta general view of caves 9 ,10 and 11
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 10-11
Cave 1: capitals of columns 10-11
Ajanta Cave 21 capital of column 10-11
Ajanta caves no. 1 to 11
Caves 1-11
Cave 16 Kailasa 113
Ajanta – caves 8 to 12
Ajanta Cave 21 capital of column 11-12
Caves 12
Cave 1: capitals of columns 11-12
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 11-12
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 12-13
Cave 1: capitals of columns 12-13
Caves 13
Ajanta Cave 21 capital of column 12-13
Caves 14
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 13-14
Ajanta general view of caves 9 to 14
Cave 16 ; Kailasa 14
Cave 1: capitals of columns 13-14
Caves 15
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 14-15
Cave 1: capitals of columns 15-16
Ajanta – caves 5 to 16
Ajanta – caves 6 to 16
Ajanta – plan of cave no 16
Ajanta – caves 7 to 16
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 15-16
Ellora cave no. 16
Cave 1: capitals of columns 16-17
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 16-17
Ajanta – caves 9 to 17
Ajanta caves no. 10 to 17
Ajanta – plan of cave no 17
Ajanta Cave 17 capital of columns 17 and 18
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 17-18
Cave 17: capitals of columns 17 and 18
Cave 1: capitals of columns 17-18
Ajanta caves no. 4 to 19
Ajanta caves 1 to 19
Ajanta: general view of caves 5 to 19
Ajanta caves no. 6 to 19
Cave 1: capitals of columns 18-19
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 18-19
Ajanta caves no. 1 to 19
Caves 1-19
Caves 5-19
Ajanta general view of caves 16 to 20
Caves 14 to 20
Ajanta Cave 26 capital of columns 19-20
Cave 1: capitals of columns 19-20
Ajanta – caves 5 to 20
Cave 26:capitals of columns 19-20
Ajanta – caves 17 to 20
Ajanta – caves 6 to 20
Ajanta general view of caves 18 to 20
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 20-21
Ajanta Cave 26 capital of columns 20-21
Ajanta – caves 16 to 21
Cave 26:capitals of columns 20-21
Cave 22
Ajanta Cave 26 capital of columns 21-22
Ajanta: general view of caves 18 to 22
Cave 26:capitals of columns 21-22
Cave No. 22
Cave 26:capitals of columns 22-23
Ajanta Cave 26 capital of columns 22-23
Ajanta cave no 23
Ajanta Cave 26 capital of columns 23-24
Cave 26: capitals of columns 23-24
Cave 26:capitals of columns 23-24
Cave 26:capitals of columns 24-25
Ajanta Cave 26 capital of columns 24-25
Ajanta caves no. 19 to 25
Tunhnang Mo Kas Grottes cave 259
Tunhnang Mo Kao Grottes cave 259
Ajanta – caves 25 and 26
Ajanta cave no 23 to 27
Ajanta caves 22 to 27
Ajanta – caves 24 to 28
Caves 22-28
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation of Buddha panel- dancing party (New NEG No 306/94) 30694
Cave 16 (Kailasa), south corridor 33
Cave 16 (Kailasa), south corridor 36
Tunhuang Mokoo Grottes cave 432
Tunhnang Mo Kas Grottes cave 45
Kanheri cave 65
Cave 67
Sarkar select ins. page 186. 1 Nanaghat cave inscription part i of nagambika bkii no. 82 sect. I and ii, 20 nanaghat cave figure lable inscribed mk ii nos. 76-81
Ajanta cave no 9 : chaitya hall
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Details- A Couple Elephants
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle opposite entrance
Ajanta cave no 16 : flying figures
Bagh Cave 4 : portion of a facade
Cave 17: ceiling of left corridor, 1st view
A cave near Hathi gumpha: a view
Ajanta cave no 20: Inside panel
Nasik cave 20 general view
Ajanta Cave 11 ceiling of verandah fourth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of left front pilaster
Cave 1: ceiling of sermon hall, 2nd row to left
Cave 21: ceiling of front corridor, 3rd view
Ajanta Cave 10 column 33 medial view
Cave 17: columns 16, 17 from right corridor
Ajanta Caves no 7 pillars
Cave 5: a view
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 5th back row
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 11 left side
Ajanta Cave 9 column 3 and fragment of frieze
Ajanta cave no 10 : chaitya hall
Cave 19: right wall, 4th overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 16 : painting on the ceiling of the varandah
Ajanta Cave 2 thousand Buddha miracle of Saravasti
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to right of antechamber details
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 part of scene probably representing the story of the conversion of nanda
Cave 10: right wall, 1st overlapping view IR
Ellora : Cave No.15 Varaha
Ajanta cave no 20: Veradah
Ajanta cave no 19: Facade- Buddha right side panel
Ajanta cave no 1: the Buddha preaching the first sermon
Pandulena cave no. 3: a portion of the cave from east
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of right corridor transverse beam is at front of corridor
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row left to right 1st overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 17: Antechamber- Buddha Preaching
Ajanta cave 2 central antechamber back wall to left of entrance of shrine
Caves near Hathi gumpha: a view
Cave 17: left front pilaster back side facing
Nasik cave 18 chaitya hall
Cave 9: left wall, overlapping view, infrared
Ajanta Cave 10 column 9 and 10 medial view
Cave 17: front wall left of entrance, 2nd view
Miscellaneous : Copy of plate CLXXX-B.I.A 1961-62, Ajanta Cave 17 Façade showing pillar restoration in reinforcement concrete.
Cave no.1: ante chamber, left wall
Cave 2: base of column, side facing sermon hall
Cave 2: sermon hall ceiling, back row
Delhi : a Nagarjuni hill cave inscription of a Nantvarmen
Cave 1: capitals of columns 16 and beam to right
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall first row left to right 4th overlapping view
Ajanta cave 10 niche 3 mutlated Buddha.
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front. Sixth overlapping view
Nasik pandulina cave i
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row left to right 2nd overlapping view
Cave 17: column 16, diagonal view from right
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to right of entrance 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row left to right 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story central antechamber back wall to left of entrance of shrine
Ajanta Cave no 17 right wall at the end of front corridor
Nasik cave 18 general view of the main shrine
Nasik cave Yakshu
Patakeshwar cave poona
Ajanta cave no 24 kuvera on capital
Ajanta Cave 9 fragment of painting on right wall
Ajanta Cave 20 right portion of ceiling 2nd overlapping view back row right wall at edge
View of the main cave
Ajanta cave 17 back wall to right of shrine 1st overlapping view
Bagh Caves : cave no.4 sculpture showing cracks
Ajanta cave no 9: Bhuddha on facade right side
Ajanta : caves ii : interior
Cave no. 19: carving on arch of verandah
Cave 17: left front pilaster medial side
Cave no. 19,20,21: a view
Ajanta Cave 19 portion of left ceiling of vault of nave
Yogeshwari cave Bombay shiva Yogeshwara in torana on the architrove above the entrance
Ajanta Cave no 1 part of a scene probably representing the story of the conversion of nanda
Ajanta Cave 1 part of the story of the Mahajanka Jataka scene
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall front row left to right second overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall second row left to right 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 part of the story of the Mahajanka Jataka
Cave 17: Verandah, detail: left pilaster & column
Ajanta cave i interior
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 1st overlapping view
Chaitya cave 17 & 18: a view
Karla cave 3: chaitya hall viranda donor couple
Cave 1: outer view
Badami Cave no.3 : pillar medallion
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : cave , iv general view
Cave 1: right wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine details of right jamb of entrance
Ajanta cave no 26 avalekiteshwar
Cave 10: left wall, 1st overlapping view infrared
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel- close up of a group
Ajanta cave: details on facade hand side sculptures on the archithoves
Cave no.1: left wall detail
Ajanta cave no 13 : inner view of monestery
Badami Cave no.1: Hari Hara
Ajanta Cave 10 column 9 and 10 diagonal view
Cave 22: back wall to right of shrine
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling in left chapel right half overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 17: varadah panel
Ajanta Cave no 26 exterior avalekiteshwar attending Buddha
Ajanta cave no 16 : verandah ceiling painting
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to left of antechamber 3rd overlapping view
Barabar Hill: Lomas Rishi cave.
Ajanta Cave 11 ceiling of verandah second overlapping view
Cave near Vishveshwar cave
Cave 2: central ante-chamber, back wall to right
Cave 10: right wall, 5th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 16 verandah frieze on inner side of beam between column 6 and right pilaster
Cave 2: base of right back pilaster
General view of Ellora Cave
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram cave,ii a Medallion over the entrance
Cave 11: Verandah, 2nd panel to right of entrance
Ajanta cave no 27: river goddess.
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 12 right side
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 5th overlapping view
Cave 9: column 9, diagonal view
Cave 17: Verandah entrance, 4th overlapping view
Bagh : new cave : facade figures : Elephants
Ajanta – caves 17 to 24 from near water fall
Cave 10: column 33, medial view
Pale: a view of the cave Bikku Bhai ki galad
Ellors cave no. 15 Shiv
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row left to right 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta cell no 2 between caves 9 and 10 : lituary of Buddha
Ajanta Cave 11 right wall
Ajanta cave 1 left wall second overlapping view
Ajanta niche 2 near cave 10 vidyadhara and Bodhisattva
Ajanta cave 2 chapel to the left of shrine kuvera and mambhadra
Cave 16: back wall left of shrine, 1st over view
Cave 1: right wall, 2nd overlapping view
Ellora : cave no. 8 a lady near dwarapala
Ellora :Cave no. 17 a bracket figure
Cave 2: Verandah, 3rd panel to right of entrance
Bhubaneshwar: closer view of Swargapuri and Manchapuri cave
Hampi Hamakuntan hill cave
Ajanta Cave 11 back wall to left of shrine first view
Cave 17: right wall of antechamber
Ajanta cave no 26: a bracket figures
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 2nd row, 3rd view.
Ajanta cave 17 left front pilaster, side facing to the back of cave
Ajanta cell between caves 9 and 10 interior
Jaina caves near Urwahi gate: a view
Cave 10: right wall, 10th overlapping view
Cave 21: ceiling of front corridor, 2nd view
Ajanta Cave 9 column 19 medial view
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel- Upper portion from right
Cave 17: Back side adjacent wall of left front pi
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel- close up of a portion
Cave 10: right wall, 14th overlapping view IR
Cave 2: Verandah, 2nd panel to right of entrance
Ajanta cave 1 right wall at end of front corridor details
Cave 16: front wall to right of entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall first overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 8th overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2 : kuvera painting
Ajanta cave 1 left wall fifth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 column 26 diagonal view
Ajanta cave no. x, newly discovered inscription
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row left to right 1st overlapping view
Cave no.1: a view
Cave 17: Verandah to left of entrance, 3rd view
Cave 17: right wall, 5th overlapping view
Cave 13 & 14: general view
Bezwada : Unduvelli Cave : a view
Cave 2: Verandah ceiling, 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of right chapel
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 7th overlapping view to right of entrance
Badami Cave no.3: general view
Ajanta cave 17 right front plaster medical side
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 2nd row, 4th view.
Bagh Cave 4 & 5 general view
Ajanta cave no 1: Painting Sibi Jataka
Ajanta Cave 19 right wall 1st overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 left wall at end of frontcorridor
Ajanta Cave 16 verandah left and wall
Cave 17: ceiling of back corridor, 6th view
Ajanta cave 20 interior sculptured decoration-front .
Cave 17: ceiling of Verandah 4 overlapping view
Nasik Dwarapala of cave
Cave 10: right wall, 9th overlapping view IR
Cave 10: left wall, 7th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of central shrine
Cave 1: right side of ceiling in ante-chamber
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall first row left to right 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 16 left wall first overlapping view
Cave 2: base of left front pilaster
Ajanta cave no 2: Flying Ghandharva
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall third overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 26: nirwana of Buddha
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel- close up of a dancing party
Ajanta Cave 9 left Triforium
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story right wall of central antechamber
Ajanta cave no 9 : sculptures on the façade
Ajanta cave 17 left wall second overlapping view
Ajanta – general view of caves from near water fall
Cave 10: right wall, 11th overlapping view
Cave 9: left wall, 4th overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of left corridor 2nd overlapping view
Cave no. 17: shivaling & pillar
Pandulena cave no. 13: view of stupa
Ajanta Cave 19 right wall 3rd overlapping view
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 3rd row, 3rd view
Cave 9: column 1, diagonal view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of right back pilaster
Ajanta Cave no 1 part of the story of the Mahajanaka Jataka in the centre is scene of dance and music designed to amuse king Mahajanaka
Badami Cave no.4: verandah parswanatha
Cave 2: base of column 5 side facing sermon hall
Ajanta cave 1 right wall of antechamber
Ajanta caves lxxi : an apsara ‘s detailed photo
One of the sapta parika caves
Ajanta cave no 17: River Facade
Cave 2: left wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle overlapping no 55-2-546 to the left
Cave 10: column 26, diagonal view
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation of Buddha panel- dancing party
Ajanta cell no 2 between caves 9 and 10 standing seated Buddha
Cave 12: general view
Ajanta cave 1 right side of ceiling in antechamber overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to right of entrance 2nd overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 2nd overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 11 ceiling of verandah first overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 11 back wall to right of shrine
Cave 17: ceiling of left corridor, 4th view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 6 right side
Bhubaneshwar : distant view of Swargapuri and Menchapuri cave
Cave 17: front wall to R. of entrance, 2nd view
Ellora cave no. 14: Siva : Parvati, Ravana lifting Kailash
Manch puri caves
Main cave: view of facade
Ajanta Cave 16 left wall at end of front corridor
Ajanta Cave 2 thousand Buddha
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front. Seventh overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2: Painting Vidur Pandit Jataka
Ajanta cave no 26: Buddha kundika
Ajanta cave 17 ceiling of antechamber straight beam at front side
Ajanta cave 1 front wall to left of entrance details
Cave 17: right front pilaster, side facing front
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 14, 13 and 12 diagonal view from right corridor
Cave 32: general view
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 beam between column 11 and right back plaster
Cave 9: left triforium
Ajanta cave 17 column 16 and right front pilaster diagonal view from front corridor
Cave 10: right wall, 6th overlapping view
A view : left 1037, Vira cave 194, center
Ajanta cave no 17: Gajajataka
Ajanta cave no 9: Bhuddha on facade left side
The natural cavern on East of hill called Eladippattam showing estampage of Brahmi inscription Sittannavasal Pudukkottai :Tiruchirapalli
Cave 11: Verandah, 1st panel to right of entrance
Hemakunta hill cave: a view
Ajanta cave 17 left rear pilaster, medial side
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 6th row, 3rd view
Harimata cave: a view
Ajanta caves no 1 outer panel
Ajanta Cave no 17 painting
Cave 2: right wall
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall first overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 16, 15 and 14 diagonal view from right corridor
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 10,11 and 12 diagonal view from sermon hall
Cave 10: columns 9 & 10, medial view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of left corridor 3rd overlapping view
Nasik cave 18 chaitya
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 12 and 11 diagonal view from right corridor
Ajanta cave 17 right rear pilaster side facing to the front of the cave
Cave no.1: left wall, 4th overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 1: kirtimukha
Cave 2: right wall of left chapel
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling,3rd overlapping view
Badami Cave no.1: ceiling naga
Ajanta Cave 11 ceiling of verandah sixth overlapping view
Cave 19: left wall, 7th overlapping view
Cave 2: central ante-chamber, back wall to left
Ajanta cave no 2 : verandah female figures : painting
Cave 19: front side opposite entrance
Ajanta cave 6 monk holding lotus at the feet of the master.
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of back corridor 5th overlapping view
Lomas Rishi cave
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to left of entrance 4th overlapping view
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 4th row, L. to R.
Nasik cave 16 Buddha in
Ajanta cave 1 left wall third overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2: Veradah Panel
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall second row left to right 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall first row left to right 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle 6th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 20 right portion of ceiling 1st overlapping view back row corner of shrine at edge
Cave 10: left wall, 9th overlapping view
Cave 17: Verandah left end wall
Cave 17: front wall left of entrance, 4th view
Ajanta Cave no 24 Nagaraja
Ajanta cave 17 veranda to right of entrance
Cave 31: general view
Cave 17: right wall, 4th overlapping view
Ajanta cave 17 right rear pilaster side facing to the front of the cave details
Vijayawada : Akana Caves : Canesa
Ajanta cave no 2: Left Antechamber close up of Figures
Cave 2: Verandah ceiling details
Caves unnumbered near Ganesha Lena
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 7th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 6th overlapping view
Cave 19: right wall, 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta niche 1 between caves 9 and 10 Buddha with Bodhaesattva
Ajanta cave i facade
Ajanta cave no 1: Bodhisattva with Princes
Cave 2: ceiling of back corridor
Ajanta cave no 26: figures holding a lotus
Cave 17: Verandah to left of entrance, 1st view
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 3rd overlapping
Ajanta Cave 10 column 25 diagonal view
Cave 11: back wall of left of shrine, 2nd view
Ajanta cave 17 base of column, front side to left of entrance of antechamber, lateral side, diagonal view
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 1st view to R.
Ajanta cave no 19 : seated Buddha
Ajanta Cave 10 mutilated litany of the Buddha
Mosque near cave
Ajanta Cave 9 ceiling of right aisle
Cave 9: left wall, 7th overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 19 : chaitya
Cave 9: left wall, 6th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 11 veranda third panel left of entrance
Cave 20: general view
Ajanta Cave 11 veranda first panel left of entrance
Ajanta Cave 11 ceiling of verandah third overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall second overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall front row left to right first overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 16 right front pilaster diagonal view from front corridor
Cave 17: ceiling of left corridor, 3rd view
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : on way to the caves
Ajanta cave no 20: Varadah Preaching Buddha
Ajanta cave no 23 : a south side varandah panel
Cave 17: right front pilaster, medial side detail
Cave 19: ceiling of front side aisle, to left
Cave 2: base of column
Ajanta Cave 11 ceiling of verandah fifth overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall third row left to right 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 right wall third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 16 front side of left front pilaster
Ajanta Cave 11 veranda second panel left of entrance
Ajanta Cave 7 veranda panel to right portion of panel to right of the entrance before cleaning overlapping view
Ajanta Caves no 10 interior
Cave 17: Verandah, right side of entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 5 left side
Cave 10: right wall, 13th overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 10 extercer vidyadhara helding crown
Ajanta cave no 16 : celestial couple on the ceiling
Badami Cave no.2: general view
Ajanta cave 1 left side of ceiling in antechamber overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to left of antechamber 2nd overlapping view
Cave 11: Verandah ceiling, 4th overlapping view
Cave no.1, front corridor: left wall at the entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall of right chapel
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 4th row, 3rd view
Ajanta cave 1 centre of ceiling in antechamber overlapping view
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, central madallion, fifth overlapping view
Cave 11: back wall of left of shrine, 1st view
Ajanta Cave 2 central antechamber back wall to right of entrance of shrine
Ujjain Excavation : view of the Bhatuhari Cave and mound
Ajanta cave no 23 : a panel on the bracket of interior pillar
Cave 1: back wall to left of entrance
Ajanta cave 6 elephant frieze.
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 6th view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row left to right 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 part of the story of an unidentified Jataka
Cave 17: front wall to right of entrance, details
Pale: a view of cave
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of left corridor 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 column 17 front view from aisle
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall first row left to right 2nd overlapping view
Badami Cave no.3: Bali and his wife from Trivikram panel
Ajanta cave 1 between column 16 and beam of to right back plaster
Ajanta cave no 2: Close up of a Temple Dwarka
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to right of entrance details
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle 2nd overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 12th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. Seventh overlapping view
Ajanta cave 17 column 16 and 17 diagonal view from front corridor
Badami Cave no.1: details
Cave 2: central shrine, right wall
Cave 67: general view
Bezwada : Unduvelli cave : Seshasyi Vishnu
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall seventh row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 left wall first overlapping view
Cave 17: columns 11 and 12, diagonal view from back
Cave 2: base of front pilaster
Ajanta caves xvi : a group of ladies (birth of Buddha)
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 6 side facing sermon hall
Ajanta caves iii : façade
Cave 10: right wall, 9th overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 7th overlapping view
Cave 17: Verandah left end wall, detail
Cave 2: front corridor, right wall at end detail
Ajanta cave 17 back side and adjacent wall of left, front pilaster
Cave 11: Verandah ceiling, 6th overlapping view
Cave 19: ceiling of left aisle, 2nd overlapping
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, nineth overlapping view
Badami Cave no.2: pillar medallion
Nasik cave 3 interior view
Cave 10: column 25, diagonal view
Ajanta cave no 17: Rahul and his mother
Ajanta cave 17 right wall of antechamber
Cave 2: Verandah, panel to left of entrance
Cave 10: column 34, medial view
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall of right chapel
Cave 17: front wall to left of entrance
Badami Cave no.2: Trivikram
Cave 2: left chapel, ceiling, left half
Ajanta cave no 23 : a panel in the interior of the cave
Nasik cave 17 general view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. Sixth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row left to right 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 11 back wall to left of shrine second view
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, eighth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave no 17 Buddha in kapila antechamber back wall to left of entrance shrine details
Cave 17: columns 15 and 16 from right end corridor
Cave 11: Verandah, 2nd panel to left of entrance
Cave 16: ceiling above right corridor, 2nd view
Cave 10: columns 9 & 10, diagonal view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of veranda right second overlapping view
Cave 17: front wall left of entrance, 3rd view
Cave 2: sermon hall, ceiling, front row
Cave 2: front corridor, right wall at end
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row left to right 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 24 mithuna figures on capital
Ajanta Cave 21 ceiling of front corridor right end 4th overlapping view
Cave 9: left wall, 7th overlapping view IR
Cave 19: right wall, 5th overlapping view
Cave no 11: general view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of back corridor 2nd overlapping view
Cave 2: ceiling of right chapel
Cave 10: right wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 11 left wall
Ajanta cave no 2 : Vidura Pandit Jataka miracle of Rajgir
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Figure
Cave 9: right triforium
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle 5th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave no 1 mahajanaka jataka
Cave No I: left wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 26 interior anand near mahaparinirvana buddha
Ajanta cave 6 upper storey elephant riders.
Cave 17: ceiling of back corridor, 1st view
Cave 17: columns 15 and 16 from right corridor
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 4th overlapping view to right of entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 veranda third wall panel to right of entrance
Ajanta cave 1 right wall second overlapping view
Cave 17: left front pilaster medial side detail
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, seventh overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 left wall at end of front corridor details
Cave 2: front corridor, medallion in ceiling
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Cave 22:sermon hall ceiling, fragment above
Pattan Devi : Maharastra :Jain Cave No.1 Outer View
Bagh Cave 3 : general view
Cave 17: ceiling of back corridor, 2nd view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row left to right 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 5 right side
Cave 2 and 3: general view of caves
Cave 10: left wall, 2nd overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 20 right portion of ceiling 1st overlapping view middle row
Cave 10: right wall, 6th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave no 16 : a bracket figure yaksh
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, sixth overlapping view
Cave 1: right wall, 3rd overlapping view
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 2nd overlapping view
Ellora : Cave no.14 Siva and Parvati
Ajanta Cave 2 Vidur Jataka scene
Cave 16: right wall, 2nd overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta: Panoramic view of caves and the way
Ajanta cave 1 capital of column 5 corridor side bull fight scene
Cave 17: Verandah to left of entrance, 2nd view
Cave 9: column 3 and fragment of frieze
Pataleshwar cave poona centre shrine
Caves and the way
Estampage of Brahmi inscription of the natural Cavern on the East of hill called Eladippattam Sittannavasal Pudukkottai :Tiruchirapalli
Cave 2: Verandah ceiling, 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 3rd overlapping view to right of entrance
Cave 10: panel on Stupa
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of back corridor 6th overlapping view
Cave 16: columns 13, 12 and 11, diagonal view
Ajanta cave no 2: Ceremonial Hall Panel
Jaina cave
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Cave 2: back wall between L.Chapel & antechamber
Ajanta Cave no 17 Buddha in kapilavastu antechamber
Ajanta cave 17 base of column left entrance of antechamber medial side
Ajanta cave 17 base of column to right of entrance of antechamber lateral side diagonal view
Cave 19: left aisle ceiling, 5th overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 7th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave no 14 to 20 from water fall
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : cave , ii general view
Ajanta cave no 1: inside bracket figures : women with attendant
Ajanta cave no 19: Facade- Buddha left side panel
Ajanta cave: cave no 1 details on facade right hand side sculptures on the archives
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall back row left to right first overlapping view
Cave 11: Verandah ceiling, 5th overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 left wall fourth overlapping view
Cave 19: left wall, 2nd overlapping view
Jaina caves and Images by the side of road: a view
Cave 10: left wall, 13th overlapping view
Ajnata cave no 1: Facade Details- Horses and Elephants
Ajanta cave 17 left front pilaster, side facing front of cave
Ellors cave no. 16 Shiv
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine details of left jamb of entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 7 side facing to left of cave entrance
Cave 17: front wall to R. of entrance, 4th view
Cave 10: right wall, 8th overlapping view
Ajanta cell no 1 near caves 9 and 10 Buddhas
Cave 10: column 29, diagonal view
Cave 6: lower storey
Cave 17: Underside of lintel of entrance
Cave 17: right at end of front corridor
Ajanta cave no 20 female bracket figure
Ajanta general view of caves
Ajanta cave no 19: Buddha and a Child
Cave 2: central ante-chamber, ceiling of left
Cave 2: base of column 5, corridor
Cave 19: left wall, 4th overlapping view
Nasik cave 16 interior Buddha
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. Sixth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall eight row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Ajanta caves x : figures of Buddha
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall of central shrine
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of back corridor 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 26: seated Buddha with worshipper temptation sence
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 6th overlapping view to right of entrance
Ajanta cave no 26 façade avalekiteshwar
Ajanta Cave 10 column 32 medial view
Ajanta Cave 10 column 34 medial view
Ajanta cave 17 left wall at end of front corridor
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 4 side facing front of cave
Cave 16: right wall, 3rd overlapping view
Bagh Cave 2. Buddha in chapel right of the shrine
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 5th row, 3rd view
Cave 17: Verandah, entrance detail
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 2nd view
Cave 1: left wall, 5th overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2 : thousand Buddha, miracle of Saravasti
Cave 17: front wall to R. of entrance, 1st view
Ajanta cave no 20: Inside- A Couple
Ajanta cave 17 right wall 1st overlapping view
Ajanta cell 2 between cave 9 and 10 : Bodhisatva Avlekiteswar
Ajanta cave no 27: a couple.
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to right of antechamber 2nd overlapping viewa
Cave 9: back wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of back corridor 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 23 : inner bracket panel
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall test negative details
Cave 2: back wall between ante-chamber & chapel
Hill where the cave is excavated
Cave 17: columns 10,11 and 12, diagonal view
Cave 30A
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 8th view
Ajanta cave no 24 flying couple on the bracket
Cave 17: ceiling of back corridor, 3rd view
Ajanta cave no 17 : Ganga on the door jamb
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling in central antechamber right half overlapping view
Cave 17: left wall, 4th overlapping view
Cave 17: left wall, 5th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall middle row left to right second overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 20 right portion of ceiling 2nd overlapping view middle row right wall at edge
Nasik cave 23 Dwarapala
Ellora: cave no.21 rameswar general view of the façade from front side
Nasik inscription on an larly cave
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Ajanta cell no 2 between caves 9 and 10 : Buddha attended by Buddha
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of veranda right first overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 column 29 medial view
Cave 17: right rear pilaster, medial side
Cave 21: ceiling of front corridor, right end
Ajanta cave no 1 verandah
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 12,13 and 14 diagonal view from sermon hall
Nasik cave 10 outer view
Cave 2: base of column 12, right side
Cave 17: ceiling of left corridor, 5th view
Ajanta – general view of caves 17 to 20 from near water fall
Cave 2: central shrine, ceiling
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of left corridor 5th overlapping view
Jaina cave: a view
Ajanta Cave 2 chapel at right end of veranda left wall details
Ajanta cave 17 right wall 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall eight row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall third row left to right 4th overlapping view
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 5th view
Cave 2: central ante-chamber, ceiling of right
Ajanta cave no 2: Flying Figures
Cave no.1: left wall, 2nd overlapping view
Aihole : Rawalpadi Caves Varaha
Eloora : cave no. 16 Kalyana Sundram
Ujjain Excavation : view of the river Sipra and Bhatuhari cave
Ajanta cell 3 between cave 10 and 12 below 9 : Tara
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall eight row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Badami Cave no.3: medallion details
Ajanta Cave 2 veranda panel to left of entrance
Bllora : Cave 21 Parwati playing Chaucer
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall middle row left to right third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall back row left to right second overlapping view
Cave 2: base of column side facing front of cave
Cave 4: a view
Ajanta cave no 16 : a bracket figures : Yaksh and Yakshani
Ajanta cave 1 Buddha close up
Bezwada - Mughalrajpuram : cave . ii series of medallion
Misc: ellora cave no. 16 a miche fig. Ganga
Bezawada : general view of the Akkana : Madana caves showing the Arjuna pillor on left side
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 1: Facade Details- A Couple and Attendants
Main cave: Shiva killing Andhakasura
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : general view of the cave
Cave 11: Verandah ceiling, 2nd overlapping view
Cave 16: ceiling above right corridor
Cave 17: general view
Ajanta cave: details on facade right hand side sculptures
Cave 10: left wall, 11th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Cave 2: central shrine, left wall
Ajanta cave no 24 mithuna and flying figure on the capital
Cave no. 2: a view of Ganesha
Cave 2: Verandah, 1st panel to right of entrance
Ajanta cave no 2: Descent of Buddha
Cave 10: left wall, 13th overlapping view IR
Caves near Ganesha Lena
Ajanta cave no 2: Chapel- Teacher and the Students
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, fourth overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2: Painting Right Antechamber
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to left of entrance 3rd overlapping view
Cave 19: ceiling of left aisle, 5th view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall seventh row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Cave 9: left wall, 8th overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 2 back wall between left chapel and central antechamber
Ajanta Cave 22 back wall to right of Shirne
Cave 11: Verandah ceiling, 3rd overlapping view
Cave 10: ceiling above left aisle
Panch puri caves
Ajanta caves no 2 Sri Bhekhandi artist at work
Ajanta niche 2 between caves 9 and 10 Buddha and Bodhisattva
Badami Cave no.1:general view
Cave 10: right wall, 4th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave no 2 : verandah sculpture
Ajanta cave 22 right wall of Shirne
Ajanta cave no 16 : dying princess painting
Ajanta cave 4 work shippers below the buddha in main shrine
Badami : cave iii bracket figures
Badami Cave no.2: naga in ceiling
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, first overlapping view
Ajanta cave 17 right front pilaster side facing to the back of the cave
Cave 6: a view
Ajanta cave no 26 : façade
Ajanta cave no 1: Temptation of Buddha
Ajanta cave no 2: A sence from Vidur Pandit Jataka Nagaraja and Nagi
Ajanta cave no 23 : an outside panel
Cave 16: right wall, 1st overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 12th overlapping view IR
Nasik pandulina cave interior of earlies cave
Ajanta cave no 17 : outer sculptures Buddha
Ajanta cave no 4: Avalokiteswara
Badami Cave no.1 :interior
Badami Cave no.3 : bracket figures
Ajanta cave no 2: Back corridor ceiling
Ajanta cave 17 left wall third overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2: Ceiling
Ajanta Cave 1 Mahajanka Jataka
Ajanta cave no 19: chaitya hall.
Cave 2: base of column 7, facing left of door
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall seventh row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 10th overlapping view
Cave 1: back wall to right of entrance
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : cave , ii facade of cave
Cave 10: column 32, medial view
Ajanta cave ii : the verandah, celling and pillars
Cave 17: back wall to right of antechamber
Ajanta Cave 2 base of front pilaster
Cave 11: Verandah, 1st panel left of entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall middle row left to right first overlapping view
Cave 14: portion of left ceiling of vault of nave
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall of central antechamber
Cave 10: right wall, 5th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave no 17: Toilet sence
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. Sixth overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 19 : Nagaraja
Cave 17: right wall, 1st overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 8th overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 5 corridor side
Cave 16 (Kailasa), Main shrine
Saptaparni caves
Ajanta cave 17 left wall first overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 front wall to left of entrance 1st overlapping view
Temple near Jama masjid
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of back corridor 4th overlapping view
Cave 10: column 29, medial view
Jaina caves on way to the fort: general view
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to left of entrance of shrine
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 8th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 8th overlapping view to right of entrance
Cave 2: base of column 5, left side
Vijayawada : Akana Caves general view
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to right of antechamber 1st overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 14th overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 17 : Brahmin receiving alms painting
Palateshwar cave poona cave facade
Badami Cave no.3: Varaha
Cave 17: right wall, 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 3 corridor side
Ajanta cave 17 right wall 2nd overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 3rd overlapping view
Cave no.1: left wall, 3rd overlapping view
Cave 11: left wall
Cave 17: Verandah, inside of entrance detail
Bezwada : Unduvelli Cave : image of Hanuman
Ajanta caves ix : façade
Ajanta Cave 21 Ceiling of front corridor right end 2nd overlapping view
Caves: general view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall eight row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Cave 10: left wall, 10th overlapping view IR
Cave 16: right wall, details
Cave no 11: Buddha
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 5th row, Left to R.
Cave 2: base of column 7, facing right of door
Ajanta caves no 16 Nagaraj
Ajanta cave i back corridor pillar showing the details of kirti – mukha decoration
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel - Close up a Dancing Figure
Badami Cave no.2: standing deity
Cave 16: right wall, 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 veranda second wall panel to right of entrance
Cave 9: ceiling of right aisle
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 4th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 Mahajanka Jataka Mahajanka announces firm decision to retire as recluse a maid servant standing behind
Ajanta Cave 6 lower story central antechamber back wall to right of entrance of shrine
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, second overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 20: Inside- River Goddess
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : Dwarpala of cave,II
Ajanta cave no 19: Two Standing Buddha
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of front corridor details
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall seventh row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2 : painting on the ceiling
Ajanta cave 19 cell no 3 litany of Buddha.
Cave 2: central ante-chamber, right wall details
Cave 19: left wall, 3rd overlapping view
Cave 2: front corridor, ceiling
Ajanta cave no 19 : chaitya hall interior
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall of central antechamber
Cave 17: Verandah to left of entrance
Cave 17: ceiling of back corridor, 4th view
Cave 17: Antechamber back wall left of entrance
Nasik cave 13 & 14 general view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. Seventh overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 20 right portion of ceiling 2nd overlapping view front row right wall at edge
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall second row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. Fifth overlapping view
Yogeshwari cave Bombay Dwarapal on the right side entrance to shrine
Caves & waterfall nearby
Ajanta cave 17 verandahs, ceiling, third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 10 cell no 3 Buddha litany
Cave 2: base of column 3, right side
Ajanta caves x- interior
Ellora : Cave No.16 Varaha
Ajanta cave no 26: seated Buddha
Ajanta cave no 26: Close up of Temptation
Bagh Cave 2 : Chaitya
Ajanta cave 17 left wall fifth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 15 ceiling of antechamber left portion
Cave 17: a view
Steps on the entrance of the cave
Ajanta cave no 2: Left Antechamber Painting
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall front row left to right third overlapping view
Ajanta cave 4 interior sculptures dwarf playing on a guitar on the base of a column.
Badami Cave No. 2 : Varaha
Cave 2: base of column 6, corridor side
Cave 17: left wall, 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row left to right 4th overlapping view
Miscellaneous : Copy of plate CLXXX-A.I.A 1961-62, Ajanta Cave 17 Façade showing modern ashlars pillars.
Nasik vihava cave of ealies period
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 6th row, 2nd view
Ajanta cave no 2: Chapela group of children
Ellora Cave no 34 interior bahukali figure from niche right
Ajanta cave 6 painting on door jamb of a Celt
Vishesvara cave
Ajanta Cave 21 left wall
Cave 10: left wall, 11th overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall third row left to right 1st overlapping view
Cave 17: left wall of antechamber
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front fifthoverlapping view
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Cave 1: beam between column 11 and right back pila
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view A
Cave 1: capital of column 5, Scene of Bull fight
Eloora : cave no. 21 Kalyana Sundram Shiva’s marriage
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall eight row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 11 veranda first panel right of entrance
Cave 2: left wall, 3rd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 chapel at right end of veranda right wall details
Pandulena cave no. 6: the original level being removed
Cave 10: right wall, 12th overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 7th overlapping view IR
Cave 21: left wall
Badami Cave no.3: Navasunha
Cave 10: right wall, 2nd overlapping view
Cave 9: left wall front, overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall third row eft to right 3rd overlapping view
Badami Cave No. 1: pillar details
Ajanta Cave 2 left wall of central shrine
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of sermon hall back row left to right third overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 veranda first wall panel to right of entrance
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall third overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 26: figures below seated Buddha
Cave 11: Verandah ceiling, overlapping view
Cave 22:right wall
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story central antechamber painting on left wall at foot of sculptured standing Buddha
Cave 1: left side of ceiling in ante-chamber
Yogeshwari cave Bombay Dwarapal on the left side entrance to shrine
Badami Cave no.2: Vishnu on Garuda
Cave 17: back wall to right of shrine, 1st view
Pale: cave: door of a cell
Ajanta Cave 21 ceiling of front corridor right end 1ST overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 3rd overlapping view IR
Badami Cave no.2: Varaha
Ajanta cave 17 right front pilaster side facing to the front of cave
Ajanta cave no 2: Close up of a Dwarpala
Jaina caves
Ajanta cave 17 base of column to right of entrance of antechamber. Side facing to the front of the cave
Ajanta Cave 2 back wall between central anti chamber and right chapel
Badami Cave
Ajanta cave no 19: From Water Fall
Cave 19: ceiling of left aisle
Ajanta cave 17 right wall 5th overlapping view
Pattan Devi : Maharastra : Jain Cave No.1 detail in Side the Cave
Ajanta cave no 19 :the façade
Ajanta cave no 2: Right Chapel
Badami Cave no.3: Vishnu
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to right of entrance of shrine
Cave 19: ceiling of left aisle, 6th view
General view of the natural cavern on East of hill called Eladippattam showing the stone beds with Brahmi inscription Sittannavasal Pudukkottai :Tiruchirapalli
Badami Cave No. 3 : Varaha
Ajanta Cave 9 front wall to left of entrance first overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Cave 2: left wall, right chapel
Ajanta cave no 24 mithuna and flying figures on the capital
Cave 2: left wall of central ante-chamber
Cave 9: left wall, 6th overlapping view IR
Cave 10: left wall, 9th overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine left jamb of entrance
Ajanta cave no 20: River Goddess
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 3rd row, 4th view
Ajanta Cave 9 column 1 diagonal view
Cave 16: Verandah, 3rd ceiling, overlapping view
Nasik cave 16 chauri bearers
Ajanta Cave 21 ceiling of front corridor right end 3rd overlapping view
Cave 17: right front pilaster, side face of back
Ajanta cave no 26: figures under seated Buddha
Ajanta Cave 19 right wall 2nd overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 columns 16 and 17 diagonal view from right corridor
Caves and Jaina temple: a view
Cave 17: base of column & pilaster to left
Ajanta Cave 2 base of left column at entrance of central antechamber
Bagh Cave 2 : head of Dwarapala
Cave 16: ceiling above right corridor, 3rd view
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 3 right side
Ajanta cave no 2: Mahamaya
Ajanta Cave 2 medallion in center of ceiling of front corridor front wall showing at edge
Ajanta cave 17 base of column, front side to left of entrance of antechamber
Ajanta cave no 19 : outer sculptures
Cave 17: ceiling of Verandah, central medallion
Ajanta cave no 1: four deer with one head
Bagh cave 4 : Chaitya
Rataleshwar cave poona centre shrine
Hampi Jaina Cave near Tungabhadra River
Entrance of the main cave
Ajanta Cave 17 right wall at end of front corridor details
Cave 2: left wall, 2nd overlapping view
Cave 2: left wall of left chapel
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall sixth row at right edge back to front. Second overlapping view
Cave 17: columns 11 and 12, diagonal view from right
Ajanta Cave 6 upper story right front shrine Lower portion of right wall
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 1st overlapping view
Badami Cave no.1: ceiling flying figures
Cave 9: column 19, medial view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling in central antechamber left half overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 7 veranda panel to left portion of panel located to the right of the entrance before cleaning overlapping view
Cave 17: Verandah, ceiling 9th overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 11th overlapping view IR
Ajanta cave 17 left wall of antechamber
Cave 2: central ante-chamber, right wall
Ellora : Cave No.14 Varaha
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 6 corridor side
Ajanta cell 3 near cave 10 new Buddhas
Ajanta cave no 2 : Nagaraja with other figures
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row at right edge back to front. Fourth overlapping view
Yaksha Sudarshana
Ajanta Cave no 17 panel
Cave 9: column 21, medial view
Bagh Cave 4 : Pillar
Ajanta cave no 19: Varadah Buddha
Ajanta cave 17 left back wall to left of shrine, second overlapping view
Ajanta cave in moon light
Cave 16: ceiling medallion at back of Sermon hall
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall second row left to right 3rd overlapping view
Bagh Cave 2 Buddha left of the shrine in chapel
Badami Cave: no.4: interior
Misc. : Udaigiri caves Bhubaneshwar- a dancing scene from rani Gumphs
Bezawada : general view of Akkana Madana Cave : upper one
Bagh Caves : cave no. 4 Sculpture
Bagh Cave 2 closer view
Cave 19: left wall, 1st overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 2 : painting mahamaya panel
Ajanta cave 17 left wall fourth overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling in left chapel left half overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row left to right 4th overlapping view
Caves beyond the Railway line : a view
Ajanta cell no 2 between caves 9 and 10 : Buddhas
Cave 17: Verandah to left of entrance detail
Main cave: general view
Ajanta cave no 2: Birth of Buddha
Cave 17: left wall, 1st overlapping view
317 Ajanta Cave 10 ceiling above left aisle
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 4rh row, 3rd view
Cave 10: left wall, overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall first row at right edge back to front. Seventh overlapping view
Cave facade
Ajanta cave no 2: Flying Couple of Ceiling (Painting)
Ajanta cave no 5: Rivers Goddess
Nasik panduline cave general view cave no. 17 Buddha maps
Ajanta cave no 17: Story of Nalagiri
Ujjain Excavation : panoramic view of river Sipra with the Bhartu Hari Cave and excavated sites no.1,2,3 & 6
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 3rd view
Cave 17: ceiling of right corridor, beam at front
Ajanta cave no 2 : Kubera
Cave 2: sermon hall, ceiling, middle left to R.
Ajanta Cave 2 decent of Buddha from fusita haven
Theh Merasi I
Ajanta cave no 23 : varandah close up of the figure
Cave 1: ceiling of Sermon hall, 1st row at right
Cave 17: ceiling of antechamber, beam at front
Cave 17: sermon hall, front row, left to right
Cave 17: columns 15 and 16, 17 from Sermon hall
Buddhist cave
Cave 17: ceiling of back corridor, 5th view
Ajanta Cave 2 ceiling of back corridor central medallion in front of front of central shrine
Nasik cave 17 details of pillar capital
Ajanta cave no 24 : a pillar
Cave 2: base of column side
Cave 11: Verandah, 3rd panel to left entrance
Ajanta cave 17 right wall 4th overlapping view
Bagh Caves : Cave no. 4 close up of Buddha
Cave 2: sermon hall ceiling, front left to right
Ajanta cave 17 front side of right of antechamber entrance
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle 3rd overlapping view
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 7th view
Cave 2: Verandah ceiling, 1st overlapping view
Cave 19: right wall, 1st overlapping view
Cave 17: diagonal front view from aisle
Fort: distant view from Jaina cave
Ajanta cave no 2 : Nagaraja
Cave 2: base of left column at entrance
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall fifth row left to right 2nd overlapping view
Cave 17: right wall, details
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : general view of the cave,I
Ellora : Cave no. 21 a Goddess
Nasik cave 20 Dwarapala in the interior
Cave 9: right wall above colonnade
Cave 16: back wall, 1st panel to right of shrine
Varaha cave
Ajanta cave 17 left wall at end of back corridor
Cave 9: fragmentary painting on right wall
Cave 3: interior stupa
Ajanta Cave 22 ceiling of sermon hall fragment above back wall to right of shrine
Ajanta caves : general view
Nasik cave 23 2nd cell details
Aihole Rawalpadi Cave
Cave 16: back wall to left of shrine, 2nd view
Ajanta cave 1 right wall fourth overlapping view
Cave 1: right wall of ante-chamber
Ajanta Cave 11 veranda second panel right of entrance
Cave 31, 63, 64, 65: general view
Nasik pandulina cave pillars with bracket figure of cave no
Badami Cave no.4: verandah Parshvanatha
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall fourth row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Bagh Cave : cave no.4 view showing damaged pillar
Ajanta Cave 2 decent of Buddha
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of left corridor 4th overlapping view
Ajanta cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall third row at right edge back to front. First overlapping view
Cave 19: right wall, 3rd overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 10th overlapping view IR
Nasik cave 23 extreme left cell details
Ajanta cave 17 base of column to right of entrance of antechamber back side
Bagh Cave 2. Buddha’s attendant
Yogeshwari caves Bombay shiva Yogeshwara in a torana panel on the architrove above the entrance
Cave 17: right wall, 4rth overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 8th overlapping view IR
Ajanta Cave 20 right portion of ceiling 1st overlapping view front row
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 2nd row, 2nd view
A view of the caves
Badami Cave no.1: flying ceiling figures
Main cave: view from southwest
Ajanta Cave 2 right wall of central antechamber details
Ajanta Cave no 17 worship of Buddha
Ajanta Cave 1 ceiling of sermon hall seventh row at right edge back to front. Third overlapping view
Bagh Caves , cave no. 4 : showing cracks in the Sculpture
Ajanta cave no 7: Facade
Cave 9,10 & 11: general view
Ajanta Cave 10 cell no 3 inertior
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 3rd row, 2nd view
Cave 3: general view of cave
Cave 10: right wall, 13th overlapping view
Cave 18 Main shrine: general view
Cave 17: Verandah, right end wall
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of front corridor 5th overlapping view to right of entrance
Ajanta Cave 17 ceiling of sermon hall second row left to right 1st overlapping view
Ajanta Cave 19 left wall 4th overlapping view
Ajanta caves no 1 painting prepared by Sri Bhekhandi artist
Ajanta cave 1 back wall to left of antechamber 1st overlapping view
Cave 1: pillar outside the cave
Ajanta Cave 10 panel on Stupa
Cave 17: left front pilaster side facing front
Cave 1: left wall at end of front corridor
Cave 17: ceiling of left corridor, 2nd view
Bagh Caves : cave no. 4 view close view of the Buddha figure
Ajanta cave no 2 : the Buddha : preaching Buddha
Cave 10: left wall, 2nd overlapping view
Bezwada : Mughalrajpuram : facade of cave ,II
Ajanta Cave 22 right wall
Ajanta Cave 2 base of column 7 side facing to right of cave entrance
Nasik pandulina cave bracket of pillars
Ajanta cave 1 right wall at end of front corridor
Bagh Cave 1 : general view
Cave 2: right wall, 1st overlapping view
Badami Cave no.3: verandah
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, 3rd row, Left to R.
Ajanta Cave 16 ceiling of verandah central medallion
Badami Cave no.2: stanidng diety
Cave 17: sermon hall ceiling, second row
Cave 9: left wall, 5th overlapping view IR
Cave 16 (Kailasa), Central shrine up.
Ajanta Cave 2 close up thousand Buddha
Cave 17: Verandah inner side of left
Cave 17: front corridor ceiling, 4th view
Cave 2: base of column 3, corridor side
Ajanta niche 2 between caves 9 and 10 : Buddha
Pattan Devi : Maharastra : Jain Cave No.2 general view
Ajanta Cave 19 ceiling of front aisle 1st overlapping view
Nasik cave 11 interior details
Ajanta cave no 26: Temptation panel- close up of a figure
Cave 2: right wall of right chapel
Ajanta cave 17 left back wall to left of shrine, first overlapping view
Ajanta cave no 23 : inside panel
Bagh Caves : cave no.4 standing Bodhisattva
Cave 2: left chapel, ceiling, right half
Ajanta cave 17 back wall to right of shrine 2nd overlapping view
Cave 10: right wall, 4th overlapping view
Jawaharlal Nehru
Mohammad Yunus
Mughal Painting
Mughal Period
Nalanda Site View
Red Fort
Sculptured stone
Taj Mahal
Landscape of Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, 1950
Nalanda monasteries 0
View of Gathering in the Trade Fair 0
Portrait of tribal man 0
Manmandir 0
Misc: Arab-ki-sarai New Delhi: ceiling 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan scene from epic 0
View of audience attending the function in the memory of Late Shri Feroze Gandhi's 75th Birth Day Celebrations on 12th Sept.1987 at Rae Bareli & 125th Birth day celebration of Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi Jayanti Samaroh 0
Family Photograph of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976: Delegates in conversation with each other 0
A Bowri woman at work before her hut 0
Celebrating New Year with Friends and Colleagues 0
An amorous couple 0
Bhadrakali-I: general view 0
Jaina gumpha: a view 0
Sirkap: general view 0
Birbhanpur excavation: BBP: borer & burins 0
Supporting wall of a later date 0
Education Minister's 0
Deeg : Baradari 0
Chandigarh Excavation : trench a : 1 a pot and pottery in situ 0
Children Enjoying Rides of Appu Ghar 0
Arquilla: details of cravings 0
Brahamgiri, Chandrawali 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli closer view of the lower arch of the screen 0
Centenary Exhibition : method and preservation Ajanta painting 0
Padmini's palace 0
Bodhisattva : Gandhar 0
Kirtti stambha from Konark 0
Abdur Rahman 0
Barakar (Begunia)- Durgatemple detail 0
Centenary Exhibition : method and preservation view of the hall 0
Anant Vasudeva T.w/ Bindu sagar in front: a view 0
Hyderabad house, state dining hall 0
Painting from Khajanchi collection 0
Smt. Sonia Gandhi with Rahul Gandhi 0
Mahaparinirvana 0
Symbol of the Lion capital, Lion 0
Houz-e-Shamsi 0
Ramayana scene 0
Tara from Nepal 0
Copper plate inscriptions both sides 0
Gada Shah's shop 0
Sheshashayee Vishnu 0
Maharajas Taking the Salute Before Proceeding to Durbar Hall, 1948
Dewan-e-khas 0
Ashokan column: a view of inscription 0
Chandigarh Excavation : painted pot 0
Dhauli Elephant side view 0
Mazar-i-Sharif,Mazar of Hazrat Ali 0
Delhi : Mithuna, a zodiac symbol modern South India 0
Terraced hills: showing lake formation beyond Sarda 0
Maharaja of Junagadh 0
Besnagar excavation: bsn-3
Inscription no. E/ 14-67 section 1 & 2
Lashkar gah 0
Surya-narayana 0
Musician on way to Kabul 0
Pottery copied 0
Kosam : detailed view of excavation showing pottery vase in situ 0
Rani ki Vav (step well) 0
Mahatma Gandhi (1940) 0
P. G. ware : red A. C. 1940 : 44
Adhai-din-ka- Jhopra: a view 0
View of a Dance Cultural Program 0
The Bodhi tree 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan wrestling scene 0
Bodhgaya: a view detail on the railing 0
Changez Khan's palace: view of inscription 0
Bodhgaya: the railings 0
Mahatma Gandhi with Sardar Patel 0
Portrait of Shri. Rajiv Gandhi 0
Govardhan : chhattri of Maharaja Surajmal 0
Punjab : Mughal Sarai 0
Bishnupur : Kalachand complex : After Conservation 0
Misc. red stone head from Rajasthan 0
Mohenjodaro : brass statuette bucket with inscription :New Delhi 0
Ekant Rameshwaram 0
Chittorgarh conservation : Kumbha rana’s palace with courts before conservation aug 1952. 0
Delhi : school of archaeology, opening ceremony by Dr. Puri. 0
Turkish sultana palace: a view 0
Besnagar excavation: bsn-1
Chak 40
Buddhajayanti preparation at Nalanda : women labours griding bricks. 0
An architrave 0
Aquatint from hunter’s drawing royal artillery encampment at conditioned, Madras 0
Fragmentary image of a Jain Tirthankara standing in Kayotsarga posture 0
Nc.35 a chipped figure of gana 0
Bahadur Nanji, Musician, Composer, Music Arranger, Bombay, 2013
Mahatma Gandhi during the debate in Ramgarh Congress (1940) 0
Siva : Parvati 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi with Prominent Personality 0
Scenery of Tokyo 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Yama 0
Nepalese banner 0
South India: Bust of Devi 0
Excavation at Nohar 0
Destruction of Houses of Riot Affected Area (March 1947) 0
Nataraja 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi with Shahjahan Rehman, Shri. Salim Rehman and Smt. Maha Rehman 0
Inscription no. E/14-71 & 72
Corner tower 0
Showing repairs done 0
Misc: copy negative of photographs of antiquities section 0
Khadiravani Tara 0
Chamba 0
Misc. Ganesh purchased by stella kranstet 0
Bhita : view of excavation from east 0
General view of the old town wall on the South, before conservation, George town Madras 0
Kirtti stambha from Konark: details of the base 0
New Delhi : inscription belongs to brass statuette of relevant 0
A head 0
Misc : copy from a page of graphic art hand book 1958
Manuscript received from Dr. Chhabra 0
Elephants worshipping a Bodhi tree 0
View of Cultural Programme 0
Lion capital 0
Maniyar math 0
Delhi brass objects with seven Matrikas and some symbols 0
Jal mandir: a view 0
Vihara hall: general view 0
Ganesha 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila view of pottery yard 0
Galta ghati : a view 0
Karttikeya 0
Miscellaneous : Fake Antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Three standing male figure Height 15.5cm 0
Misc. Attirampakkam : paleolithic tools 0
Out-trigger boats are main source of inter Island transportation in Andaman. 0
St. John church across the road: a view 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 3 mud oven looking South : West 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi in Conversation 0
Misc. Parliament: exhibition opening by Sri R.K. Negade Parliament House 0
Priest at Nana Chowk Series, Bomay, 1985
Miscellaneous : Copy negative of page 114 from the book Early Man by F. Clark Howell. 0
Portrait of a man 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Venkatarama 0
Stone slab 0
Adil Shahryar Playing with a Child 0
Delhi : bronze bowl with Mohenjo Daro firm 0
Lion pouncing on elephant 0
Preparing to Shoot the Incomparable Murals on the Ceiling of the Kala Bhavan, at Visva-Bharati for 'The Inner Eye', Ray's Tribute to His Teacher Binodebehari Mukherjee 0
Fragment retaining a headless standing with a seated male figure 0
Shiva-Parvati 0
Mandappam 0
Rupamati palace 0
Inscription no. E/7-94
Instructing Babita Before a Take for 'Distant Thunder' on Location in Birbhum, 1973
A Random Picture with Personalities 0
Hampi stone overhead channel 0
Padapeeth portion of Uma Maheshware panel depicting Ganesh Gana vyalas andthree male figures below the padapeeth 0
The stage in theatre hall 0
Hampi Sasvikal Ganesa 0
Chaitya: a view 0
Nawab of Bhopal
Divinity standing 0
Buddha images : Sarnath : Buddha 0
Fragmentary image of a Jain Tirthankara 0
Elephant : Rock cut 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 20 debris of a workshop for the manufacture of bones along with other materials sach as shaping stones 0
Pt Nehru 0
Queen's bath: interior view 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila general view of the excavated trenches 0
Champa baoli 0
Bhatkal: Jattappa Naikan Chandranatheswar Vasti western view of the Mandapa 0
Mahatma Gandhi 0
View of Cultural Program at India International Trade Fair 1989, Sikkim 0
Centenary Exhibition : hand axe complex 0
Butthap Pagoda 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila general view of mound taken from west 0
Jehangir's inscription 0
Mahatma Gandhi's Funeral Procession 0
Chak 15
Markanda : close up of a female figure 0
With Governor of Mimana 0
Dimpy's Wedding 0
Chamba, H.P. : Hari Rai Vishnu 0
Wind mill on way to Rala Islam 0
Group of Foreign Personalities 0
Torso of a Jain Tirthankara 0
Kosam : general view of site no.-2, southern sector from south 0
Varaha 0
Kanauj : four faced Linga 0
Nimlik Tappe 0
Adil Shahryar with an old lady 0
Mundi Hissar 0
Calcutta : e.q : bar Celt : two. 0
Centenary Exhibition: general view of exhibition 0
Anasagar: a view 0
Historical Monuments of Turkey 0
Baroda C.A.B. meeting 0
D G A's report 0
Bajramath: torso of a female figure 0
Maharaja Hanvant Singh 0
Coping stone 0
Govardhan : chhattri of Maharaj Balwant Singh 0
Sarnath: deer in deer park 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan dancers 0
Maitreya 0
Centenary Exhibition: wall photographs 0
Narasimha 0
Adil Shahryar with Robert and Nimmo 0
Fragment depicting a weathered acquitted figure of monkey 0
A gardener at work at Sarnath 0
Painting in Khajanchi gallery 0
Chandrawalli: teracotta 0
Polishing the stone for inlay fitting 0
A highly defaced lower fragment of Uma : Maheshwara panel 0
P. G. ware from A. C. 1940 : 44
Members taking pledge 0
Misc: Delhi gadhiaya coin PL. V 0
Teen Murti House: front view 0
Delhi : pottery from tn 0
Staff of SAIL Rourkela 0
Hampi queens bath general view 0
View of cultural programme at India International Trade Fair 1989, Sikkim 0
Bharaputrakas (bracket figures) 0
Buddhist goddess Marichi 0
River Tawi 0
Miscellaneous line drawing 0
Old Court House street, Calcutta 0
Buddha : Gandhar 0
CHAK 72/1
Alai Darwaza 0
The Different Stages in the Scoring, Rehearsing, Recording and Final Take of a Song Sequence in 'The Kingdom of Diamonds' 0
Dah porvate: door frame figure 0
Doorlintel 0
Nalanda decorative figure site no.2
Hampi Mandapa of Kadaikkal Ganesa 0
Adil Shahryar with a Lady 0
Panel showing flying demi: goda 0
Pass on way to Jalalabad 0
Phaltan – Jabreshwar mandir s.w. side 0
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo n. side porch of mandapa details 0
Misc: Karnataka exhibition in Ashoka Hotel donor couple from sannati distt. Gulbarga 0
Gandhak ki Baoli 0
Rajasthan : Rangmahal pottery 0
Rana Kumbha's palace: a view 0
View of a building 0
Buddha in abhayamudra 0
Ches Blades 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Agni 0
Badami : upper Sivalaya group of ganas 0
Deeg : Bhodo Bhawan 0
Three headed Brahma standing 0
Kosam : other mound before excavation 0
Naga Dvarapalas 0
Bodhgaya: coping stone 0
Khara Sarovar: a view 0
Harasiddhi mandir 0
Gate of Junagadh
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:The President of India, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed in conversation with foreign delegates 0
Colossal 53 metre Buddha 0
Giriak hill 0
Throne platform: detail of bas relief 0
Teracotta: teracotta head 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976: Two delegates 0
Bed Room of Jawaharlal Nehru 0
Torana fragment showing Narvarah a seated Vamana and a defaced male fighting with a crocodile 0
A male head 0
Arthuna Jain Mandir general view 0
Adil Shahryar with others in classroom 0
Centenary Exhibition : view of gallery of potteries from different places 0
Mahuli– Vishnu mandir view from south side 0
A Buddha standing from China 0
Image 0
Rajasthan : Rangmahal pottery 0
General view br. 16a 22 in forground meg. Site and camp L.N.W 0
Misc. Rama Pattabhishika Bronze : Vol-xx 1949-50 Pl. 17-18
Deeg : Central Palace 0
Visitors in the Trade Fair 0
Besnagar excavation: 0
Chennai circle : Rock cut shrine of Pushpavaneswara Puvalakudi : general view 0
Portrait of Salim 0
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo Doorjann details 0
Stone over head channel 0
Image of Lakshmi-Narayana 0
Besnagar : bsn-4, a1 showing firing, ash, Period II and floor of period III from West. 0
Master Rahul Gandhi 0
Trench: North II, Trench II, NE 0
Musicians 0
Monastery hall 0
Renunciation of Buddha 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976: View of banner 0
A stone piece carved with a decorative motif 0
Image of Prasadika (front) 0
Misc :U.K. Buddha head. 0
Chak 21-23
River bank 0
Brindaban conservation: decayed lime plaster on the double roof of central chamber. 0
Headless Tirthankara in Kayotsarga posture 0
Centenary Exhibition: close up of Mathura Yakshi 0
Madras: copper plate 5 re: grant of Venkatta ii Vijayanagar now with Triloka factory Madras page no. 4
Mahatma Gandhi walking out of Mr. Abdul Aziz's Patna Residence (1946) 0
Delhi: Malviya Nagar surface collection of animal figures 0
Puri : Rath Yatra 0
Miscellaneous : Fake antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Multi headed and Eight handed deity Height 45.5cm. Front view 0
Portrait of a lady 0
Besnagar excavation: bsn-3 general view of the mound 0
Misc.: bronze seated female figure on a pedestal 0
Chaitya hall 0
Anant gumpha 0
Inscription of Jehangir 0
Mahisasur Mardini 0
Lungnath ki theri: general view 0
View of a Ship 0
Back of Jehangir's inscription 0
Ujjain Excavation : bear with ivory bowls and rattles 0
Deeg : a view of Deeg Palace 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 16 a view of the rectangular enclosures built of neatly cut logs of wood on the water front as the time of defence 0
Chattrari : Pantings 0
Piprahwa : Excavation in progress 0
Deeg : Baradari and Roop Sagar 0
Shri Rajiv Gandhi with Urns Containing Ashes of Smt. Indira Gandhi 0
Malda : Dakhil Darwaza : Before Conservation 0
Mohanjodaro : copied from old photographs 0
Buddha images : Sarnath 0
Torso of an elephant 0
A male torso 0
Bharatpur noh mound Bharatpur painted gry site 0
Queen's dream: Maya 0
Allawal Khan's Rouzah: a view 0
Nohar mound 1
Centenary Exhibition : photographs of before and after conservation 0
Parsvanath in kayotsarga posture 0
Hindola torana: a view 0
Shamsherghar 0
Misc: ivory objects 0
Chitorgarh 0
Bodhisattva, head 0
Image of Sarasvati 0
Nalanda a general view 0
Four armed Vishnu 0
Ujjain Excavation : iron objects found during excavation 0
Hills 0
Buddha Jayanti Exhibition, New Delhi : mara’s attack 14th :15th century. A.D Nepal 0
Gandhiji 0
Chipped face of a Jain Tirthankara 0
Making cement to fix the inlay stone 0
Briefing Saumitra Chatterjee for a Take for 'Distant Thunder' on Location in Birbhum, 1973
Amaravati a medallion 0
General view of the mound 0
Sirkap 0
Raj Raya II with consort 0
Taj 0
Mother goddess cf. Ropar goddess 0
Chamba: Nandi 0
Chaitya on the top of the hill 0
Indonesia visit of Jawaharlal Nehru, 1950
Outer defence, work in progress 0
West gopuram 0
Hampi Kadaikkal Ganesa 0
Medallion of Jetavana 0
Editing 'An Enemy of the People', 1989
Centenary Exhibition : Harappa burial jar cemetry h 0
Image of Harihara 0
Gumbad 0
The Bhakra Nangal Dam Site, 1950
Samadhi of Rani Lakshmi bai of Jhansi: a view 0
Baz bahadur's palace 0
Ruined palace 0
Mahatma Gandhi at the Residence of Abdul Aziz in Patna (1946) 0
Bhubaneswar Lingaraj head of a graceful female fig. 0
Parliament: exhibition opening by Sri R.K. Negade Parliament House 0
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo Ganesh 0
Female figure 0
Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and Patricia Mountbatten at the Funeral of Mahatma Gandhi, 1948
Reclining Buddha 0
Surawala-II: general view 0
Wai (satara)- Hanuman mandir 0
Undavalli: Vijayawada 0
Pattadakal : Malikarjuna : flying figures 0
Bishnupur : Kalachand complex : Before Conservation 0
India Gandhi at The Jaipur Congress Session, 1966
Stepped well 0
One of the invitee speaking in the function in the memory of Late Shri Feroze Gandhi's 75th Birth Day Celebrations on 12th Sept.1987 at Rae Bareli & 125th Birth day celebration of Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi Jayanti Samaroh. Others also seen on the dais 0
Misc: Karnataka exhibition in Ashoka Hotel: jaina image of tirthankara with other objects from hangal 0
Lucknow: Rauza Kaziman 0
Brahma standing 0
Prayer Meeting for Indira Gandhi 0
Misc. Arekamadu: pottery for being sent 17
Hampi Throne plateform details camels 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 15 road of period III & IV 0
Anasagar lake: a view 0
Mahatma Gandhi's Visit to NWFP in 1938 with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 0
Brindaban: Madan Mohan Mander from west 0
Headless Brahma seated in lalitasana 0
Adil Shahryar with Children 0
Remains of a door :Jamb depicting Makara vahini Ganga at the bottom 0
Male deity standing 0
Headless Jain Tirthankara 0
Outer defence showing brick rampart 0
Misc: Delhi dignities at the coronation park Delhi 0
Mohenjodaro : ancient weight : published in Mohenjadaro and Indus v alley civilization by Sir John Marshall. CLIV 0
Chennai circle 0
Water fall 30 miles from Bill Chiragh 0
Misc: live drawing from director conversations 0
Amber tower: a view 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila TSR - 1 general view of excavated tranches 0
Datia: Bir Singh Palace 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Kuvera 0
53 metre Buddha 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli general view from other side of the road : west of entrance to the Baoli 0
Photograph of a Lady 0
Chandigarh Excavation : beads 0
Madrasa 0
Prominent Personalities 0
Traditional road to Anandpur 0
Statue of Mahatma Gandhi 0
Delhi: Wazirabad, inscribed copper plate before cleaning 0
Misc: stone implements of the yayoi period in Japan: collection of Kyoto University photo by. higuchi 0
Old Rajgir city 0
Flying figure 0
Misc: Rangpur pottery with Harappan affinity 0
Hayagriva 0
Mohammad Shah's inscription 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:Two delegates seeing an album 0
Centenary Exhibition : Lothal painted jar 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi with visitor 0
Tibet : the Budhism of Tibet, Samanta Bhandra 0
Photograph of I.K. Gupta 0
Monastery hall: interior view of the hall 0
Golgumbad 0
Hucchapayamath 0
Bajramath: doorframe of a shrine 0
Misc : U..K Siva and Parvati standing. 0
Adil Shahryar 0
Govardhan : platform details of Balwant chhattri 0
Architectural fragment 0
Ninaw-A, mound (Bhadra area): general view 0
Sardar Patel, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Baldev Singh and Others Signing the India Constitution 24th January 1950
Jaina basties 0
Misc : Guddimallam, the Linga 0
Remains of a door : Jamb depicting goddess Ganga 0
Outer defence, cutting, general view 0
Centenary Exhibition: view of Harappa gallery 0
Hyderabad house 0
Bhita : general view of ram part wall on the eastern sector, from south -west 0
Hazardwari : proposed renewal of damaged Marbal Floor : Before Conservation 0
Malda : Dakhil Darwaza : After Conservation 0
Painting of Benaras Yaksha 0
A female torso 0
Lohtal: a public drain with a well in the back ground. 0
Inscription of Maharaja of Udaipur 0
Birbhapur : microliths. 0
Ghazni citadel: a view 0
Deeg : Palace in the centre of the garden 0
Nepalese Tara 0
Bharmour Chamba ,H.P. : Nandi Bronze 0
Bust of a female 0
Nalanda: stucco Buddha from site iii 0
Miscellaneous : Fake Antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Seated figure Height 18.5cm Side view 0
Mahatma Gandhi Addressing a Public Meeting 0
Centenary Exhibition : method and preservation photographs of before & after conservation 0
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru with Rajiv Gandhi 0
Indian Leaders in a Prayer Meeting 0
Ujjain: observatory 0
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 0
Captain Ram Charan Singh Who Composed the Patriotic Song "Kadam Kadam Badhaye Ja", Plays the Violin For Gandhiji at the Harijan Colony, 1945
Mahakapi Jataka 0
Buddha images : Sarnath : preaching Buddha 0
Buddha 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : iron objects found in sector III 0
Trench: morning exposure of trench 0
Navagraha slab 0
Strucutre of period iii : high mound 0
Inscription no. E/18-86
Giriak mountain 0
Badshah Gundai 0
Chest chores 0
Varaha 0
Palace 0
Mahatma Gandhi During the Manu Gandhi's Appendix Operation (Patna, 15 May 1947) 0
Site 0
Adil Shahryar with someone 0
Back of Mohammad Shah's inscription 0
Birbhapur : cores of chirt 0
Rishi patnis 0
Chandigarh Excavation : pottery 0
Portrait of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri 0
Centenary Exhibition: Brahma : vishnu : siva from Baroli 0
Lucknow: A view of residency 0
Chamba: general view of Chamba city 0
Photograph of Rippan's Birthday Party 0
Deeg : view of fountain in the garden 0
Mahatma Gandhi in Order to Go to Jehanabad (28 March 1947) 0
Bharmour Chamba ,H.P. : Ganesha bronze 0
Alambusa Jataka 0
Portrait of Rajiv Gandhi 0
Tirumalai Naieker Palace 0
Phifana mound: general view 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 17 section showing successive deposits of ass in the lowest lebels of accapotion with deep pit of a later period laid deeply into natural soil of period 1
Badami: lower sivalaya door frame detail 0
Monasteries 0
Tirthankara standing 0
Nahar Jhanki 0
Mahatma Gandhi Observing the Houses Destroyed in the Riots (Masaudhi, March 1947) 0
Trivikrama 0
Baroli Srinagar Chauri a bracket figure 0
On way back from Khulm 0
View of visitors of India International Trade Fair, New Delhi during the year 1983
Tanjore : Chola painting 0
Image of Surya 0
Buddha standing 0
Portrait of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 0
Misc: Piprawa, relic caskit 0
Headless Vishnu mounted on the back of flying Garuda 0
St. John church 0
Delhi hqrs. Microliths for publication 0
Kosam : rampart wall showing brick- work 0
Mandapa of Kodaikkal: Ganesha 0
Sanchi : bones from casket. 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi with Visitors 0
Throne platform: a view 0
Bodhgaya: a part of the railings 0
Ganesha gumpha 0
Chandigarh Excavation : section of trench a : 1
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 3 view of mud brick structure of different period looking South 0
Wall painting in the second floor of Padmanabhapuram, Padmanabhapuram : Trivandrum 0
Centenary Exhibition: Mahishsurmardini Abaneri 0
Centenary Exhibition: show case : copper objects 0
View of Hampi bazar 0
Buddha: plaster cast 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan seated couple 0
Portrait of Indira Nehru 0
Chandigarh Excavation : burial ground after excavation 0
Well 0
Rural India 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan scene from Ramayana 0
Sheikh Abdullah and I.K. Gupta 0
Preaching Buddha, standing 0
Govardhan : ceiling painting on a small chhattri 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila TSR - 3, general view from of some excavated trenches 0
Yaksa standing 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli inscription of Maharani Kunariji consort of Maharaval and Anrud Singh of Bundi dated 1757 v.s. & s.e. 0
Fragmentary Jain Tirthankara standing 0
Besnagar excavation : bsn-3 65,66 pit 2 facing North showing foundation stone details and filling. 0
Badami: upper sivalaya: epic scene 0
Misc: Agra, sample stone 0
Chola painting 0
Kosam: detailed view of excavation from north 0
Besnagar: inaugral function 0
Group with Governor 0
Miscellaneous : Obverse astorolobe : Jaipur : Asronomical observation of Jai Singh by G.R Kaye Plate. III Page 5 & 6. 0
Badami : upper SIvalaya : Ramayan scene 0
Group Photograph 0
Himachal Pradesh : painting 0
Fata palace: a view 0
Miscellaneous : Red ware pottery shards from Kaushambi 0
Chamba, H.P. : Lakshmi Narayana Plinth details 0
Sarnath: general view of Sarnath 0
Ahmad shah Abdali's Mausoleum 0
Portrait of Shri Sanjay Gandhi 0
View of Painting of Algeria 0
Nawab of Junagadh
Chattrari : Fountain slab 0
Colossal image of Jaina (In 2 panels): general view 0
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Jawaharlal Nehru 0
Govardhan : painting on the ceiling of the chhattri of hansia and Laxmi Ranies 0
Mahishasuramardini 0
Basoli palace 0
Pottery in collection of the Governor 0
Nalanda : Badgaon: a dilapidated female figure near the Suraj Kund 0
A view 0
Trench: general view of trench 0
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Smt. Indira Gandhi 0
Procession of elephants 0
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Series, Bombay, 1985
Brahma 0
Centenary Exhibition : method and preservation records 0
Bodhisattva standing 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila TSR-3, close-up of a Bhadota an oven for the frying grains late Mughal period Mughal period 0
Kakke Kohzad 0
Bharmour Chamba ,H.P. : Land scape 0
Chittorgarh conservation: alla kalira’s house general view before conservation aug 1952
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976: Smt. Indira Gandhi meeting the delegates. 0
Manikantha Jataka 0
View of India International Trade Fair, New Delhi 1983
Head of Buddha : Gandhar 0
Observatory 0
Chamba: general view of chamba 0
Jaina Basti 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 15 roads of period 3 and 4
General view of the site 0
Medical College Hospital, Calcutta 0
Portrait of Smt. Sonia Gandhi 0
Portrait of Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit 0
Centenary Exhibition : microliths from differnts places 0
Baroli ceiling of Srinagar Chauri 0
Head of Buddha 0
Inscribed from Surkhkotal 0
Ujjain Excavation : Ujn : 2 top view of stone structure with drain 0
Lowest layer of the eastern section 0
Begam's palace 0
Ramesra mound: general view 0
A view of the site 0
Pir Gundi: a view 0
Lothal: painted pottery 0
Calcutta : i.m : Yakshi from Besnagar. 0
Centenary Exhibition: show case : Harappan objects 0
Bhatkal: Jattappa Naikan Chandranatheswar Vasti widow detail 0
Drawings 0
Centenary Exhibition: freize from Khajuraho 0
Five copper implements 0
Surya standing 0
Fragment depicting the figure of Narsimha 0
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru with Smt. Kamala Nehru and Kumari Indira 0
Misc. painted grey ware from Rupar and Hastinapur : to Japan 0
Swarga puri and manchpuri: a view 0
Buddha seated 0
Portrait of Rahul Gandhi 0
Mahakal mandir 0
Jantar mantar 0
Water falls 0
Some aspects from Buddha's life 0
Turkish sultan's palace 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila TSR - 1, YA – 2 & QD - 4 view from north east showing a partly exposed house complex, Mughal period 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila group of the students 0
Mara's attack on Buddha 0
Chamba, H.P. :Bansi Gopal Ganga 0
Image of Ardhanarisvara 0
Chanda : Bir Shah’s chhatri 0
Chandrawali CH43A1 two parts holds one in section and another in the foreground in layer 102, 110A, L.N.W 0
Badami: upper sivalaya: krishnayan scene 0
B. patch group of microliths 0
VIP is being welcomed by the invitees 0
Portrait of Wali Khan 0
Way up the Hotel 0
Foundation stone laid by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to Rohtang 0
Pyakara hill Nilgiri’s: bronze bowl 0
Kala Aab 0
Bhubaneswar : c.a.b. meeting, chief minister addressing. 0
Cochin 0
Pedestal of a Jain image 0
Mahatma Gandhi Ji during the debate in Ramgarh Congress (1940) 0
Shiva and Parvati 0
Centenary Exhibition: mural : stone age man 0
Buddha preaching 0
Fragment showing a male figure 0
Guzargah 0
Thanjavur Chola paintings 0
Ahar Chatri of one of the Mahavanas 0
Coochbehar Palace : After Conservation 0
Delhi: Wazirabad, inscribed spouted jar 0
A view of trench from west 0
Bust of Parvati 0
Outer defence with a later supporting wall 0
Misc. Kalibangan : arial photographs of excavation ¼ size 0
Old Howrah Bridge 0
Trench: evening exposure of trench 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli image of Saraswati in the niche in the entrance of the southern wall 0
Deeg : Krishna Bhavan interior view 0
Buddha Jayanti Exhibition, New Delhi : head of Bodhisattva 0
Fragment depicting a seated but defaced lady, An Anjali posture and two standing male figures in the back ground 0
Misc. 1st paleolith discovered by bruce foote at pallavaram 0
Adil Shahryar with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 0
Vijal 0
Women labourers grinding bricks 0
Kabul river:Kabul river on way to Jalalabad 0
Seistan pottery 0
Buddha protected by Naga Muchalinda 0
Rana Kumbha's palace 0
Bhakhra Nangal project visit of Jawaharlal Nehru 0
View of Pragati Maidan 0
Teracotta-drawing of teracotta figures 0
Head of Bodhisattva 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:Three delegates seeing an album 0
Besnagar: head of Vishnu surface exploration 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 16 a view of logs untrimmed laid into the body of the rampart along its rising slop on the river front 0
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo Jamuna 0
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo Nandi mandapa 0
Misc: copy photographs of different type of cymbles. 0
Fatehgarh tower & defences: a view 0
Chandigarh Excavation : painted pottery 0
Misc: Delhi: artieur asiac col. XX 0
Ibrahim Adil Shahi's Maqbara: a view 0
Headless Jain Tirthankara in padmasana 0
Baital deul 0
Tibbas 0
Delhi : school of archaeology, minister’s address 0
Deeg : inside view of the multipillard mandap 0
Ganesha in the corridor 0
Kabul river: Kabul river on way to Jalalabad 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila view of the camp 0
Miscellaneous .: Britri : Wall of two periods. 0
Hoshang Shah's Mausoleum 0
Nalanda : Badgaon: Chaturmukha linga at Suraj Kund 0
Portrait of Dirk Bougard 0
Portrait of Adil Shahryar 0
Haidar Burz 0
Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi 0
Mahatma Gandhi with Mridula Sarabhai (March 1947) 0
Portrait of prominent personality 0
Dashasvamedh ghat: general view 0
Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at the Indo-Pak Talks During the Shimla Summit, 1972
Hughe's Road Series, Bombay, 1986
Shri. Rajiv Gandhi in Conversation 0
Chamba, H.P. : Lakshmi Narayana standing Vishnu 0
View of gathering at swargeeya Rajiv Gandhi ka Faith-e-chehlam : Sarvadharam Prarthana Sabha held at 1 Tuglak Road on 1.07.1991
Remains of a door : Jamb 0
Misc. Khajuraho : a female figure 0
Portrait of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan 0
Siva head 0
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Adil Shahryar 0
Inscription of Akbar 0
Bajramath: image of Jina in a shrine 0
Highly weathered figure of Ambika depicted within the niche 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:Smt. Indira Gandhi addressing delegates 0
Dakhani Idgah: a view 0
Agra : stone implements from Agra circle. 0
Miscellaneous .: Receiption : D. G.A with Professor Naveen of Afghanistan Cultural Minister. 0
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to Rohtang 0
Tappe Kalai Aman 0
Ujjain Excavation : iron objects 0
Mazar-i-Sharif, a portion of Mazaar 0
Photograph of Marquem de Centellas 0
Railing details 0
Village life in Bengal near Calcutta 0
General view 0
Centenary Exhibition: show case : paleoliths 0
Monastery 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi at International Meeting 0
Fragment of railing 0
Lohtal: a public drain. 0
Portrait of Vijayalakshmi Pandit 0
Hampi Pampapati shikhara of the main shrine 0
Misc: cotc standing Buddha, bronze from village venerovatist bulgaris 0
Cochin Church 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 6 view of rampart wall in section, looking North : West 0
Group of children 0
Misc: Microlithic tools, collection of Dr. Alchin 0
Govardhan : celiling painting on a small chhattri 0
Poona: sarvarvada remains of structure 0
Centenary Exhibition : rozdi Harappan potteries 0
Maski: Ancient India no.13 plate seven drawing 0
Portrait of Master Rahul Gandhi 0
Headless Tirthankara standing 0
Harappa: statuary from Harappa. 0
On way to Bamiyan 0
Bawari camp 0
Mathura: lady taking bath under water fall 0
Delhi : school of archaeology, tea party 0
Chandigarh Excavation : grinders 0
Crowned Buddha in Bhumisparshamudra 0
Copied from book : Adi Bhudda copied from buddhist iconography by B.C Bhatt Charya 0
Turkish sultana palace 0
Microliths 0
Bones from Casket, Bone relic 0
Kalyanasundaramurti Siva 0
The Guests at Exhibition 0
Throne platform: fighting scene 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli image holding staff and flower in one of the niches 0
The Hedaya or guide: A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws 0
Br. Megalethic grove no.6 L.N. 0
Dampati 0
Dulmana-1: General view 0
Misc : bangana terrace : guler 0
Nuri Pasha and Dhia Jaffar 0
Centenary Exhibition: show case : misc. objects 0
Bibi-Ki-Baoli: a view 0
Mahakal mandir 0
Buddhajayanti preparation at Sarnath : a mason making a figure on the new rapling. 0
Kharamukh : way to Bharmaur 0
Bank of river 0
Maqbara of Hussain Shah (incomplete): a view 0
Bhatkal: Jattappa Naikan Chandranatheswar Vasti back view of the Mandapa 0
Hemakunta hill: a view 0
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 0
Plan of Sanchi monuments. 0
Image of Buddha seated 0
A painting 0
ujjain excavation : closer view showing the impressions of the basket 0
Fragmentary head of a crocodile 0
Stamped pottery 0
Jhajjar : a plaque with impression 0
Water fall : a view 0
Deeg : Deeg Palace with Anoop Sagar 0
Prasadika Yakshi 0
Buddha seated in Bhumisparshamudra 0
Ayagpatta screen one side 0
Arabic inscription 0
Architrave slab 0
Misc. Mesolithic tools drawings 0
Group at residency including the Maharaja of Kolhapur
Remains of a door lintel 0
A god standing 0
Sarnath: view of Mulagandhakuti 0
Fragment depicting a hand holding a club 0
Adil shahryar with family 0
Paintings 0
Gwalior: Teli Ka Mandir west elevation 0
Mason making figure on new railing 0
Chahelzira: persian inscription 0
A male head with blurred face 0
The View of a Scenery 0
Nc.10 chaturmukha lingam 0
Portrait of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 0
Centenary Exhibition: show case : potteries 0
Fragmentary image of Tirthankara standing 0
Shri P. Shiv Shanker Addressing the Gathering 0
Bodhgaya: detail on the railing couple 0
Paintings near Buddha (53 meters) 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi on Dias 0
General view L.W 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi with Adil Shahryar 0
Miscellaneous : Fake Antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Two Tantric figure Height 14.5cm. Right side view 0
Cell above colossal Buddha 0
Jeep on boat being dropped in river 0
Chhatrari Chamba, H.P. : image of Shakati Devi bronze 0
Image of Prasadika (back) 0
Padmini's palace: facing southwest 0
Water fall of Vyghra river 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 4 brick well looking South West 0
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo female figures holding a Kalasha in right hand in the s. side porch of mandapa 0
Akcha Citadel 0
Misc. Ram and Site : bronze 0
Sarpa gumpha: a view 0
View of the Gathered Audience 0
Committee Meeting at Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur Congress Session 0
Centenary Exhibition : Harappa cementry h wav 0
Defences south side 0
Bidar: madarsa 0
Besnagar excavation: bsn-3 general view 0
Bharadwaj:Ashram excavation 0
Bodhgaya: a detail on the railings 0
Teracotta:wooden door frame details 0
Man-da-kalatola nagar Jaipur: a view 0
Ajanta: water fall of Vyhaghro River 0
Makasar-2: general view 0
Golbai Excavation : Floor And Post Holes 0
Bodhgaya: detail on the railing two wheels chariot of Surya with driver Aruna 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan domestic scene 0
Misc: memoir no.29, plate no. 95
Piprahwa : View of the Monastary. 0
Centenary Exhibition : view of gallery of Harappan potteries 0
Bhubaneswar : c.a.b. meeting, minister of s.r.c.a.s address. 0
Portrait of Smt. Indira Gandhi 0
Misc: copy to copy Indian Archaeology 1963-64 a review plate-XXX a pottery with stamp design 0
Birbhanpur excavation: BBP: Microliths 0
Misc. Rupar : painted pottery 0
Image of Buddha seated (broken) 0
Delhi : Ganga ahichhetra 0
Portrait of Krishna Hutheesing 0
Bust of Buddha 0
Laliana mound: general view 0
Observatory: a view 0
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila TSR - 1, YG – 5 & QD - 2 close-up view from south showing an exposed human skelton in situ 0
Phaltan– Jabreshwar mandir north-west side 0
Simhavyalss with riders 0
Image of Gomateshvara 0
Examining the Urdu Computer 0
Pulpit 0
Delhi : inscription of bronze bowl 0
Ujjain Excavation : general view of mound 9
Makasar-3: general view 0
Kashmir Srinagar: unidentified object from Harappa 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 5 close view of ringwell & drain, looking East 0
Misc: Karnataka exhibition in Ashoka Hotel: view of the hall 0
A fragment 0
Delhi : incriptiob on above image (Devi image) 0
Different Stages of a Take on Location in Palamu for 'Days and Nights in the Forest' with Simi Garewal and Samit Bhanja, 1969
The great departure: Gandhar 0
Dabli mound-3: general view 0
Gold repousse 0
Portrait of Indira Gandhi 0
Sadu mound 3: general view 0
Nohar 0
Bala Hissior 0
Misc: Vaishali panch mukkha mohander near Vaishali 0
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 0
Centenary Exhibition : amri painted pottery 0
The modeller at work 0
Masara: general view 0
Miscellaneous : Indian Archaeology 1971:72 Volume Sarai Nahar Rai B Plate LVII Excavated graves 0
Galta 0
Image of Ardhanariswara 0
Group of Children 0
Bangalore diwan purnaiah 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan musicians 0
Making stone ready for inlay painting 0
Mahatma Gandhi with Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Government House, 1947
Brindaban : Madan Mohan Mander Sikhara from east. 0
Torso of Vishnu 0
Portrait of Zakir Hussain 0
Gandhiji with Rajkumari Amrit Kaur 0
Buddha protected by Muchalinda 0
Command car in trouble on way to bhdra 0
Bhubaneswar : c.a.b. meeting, section giving thanks. 0
Wall of crucilder: a view 0
On way to Rajgir 0
Mohanjodaro : cast of bearded figure, front view 0
Mansingh palace 0
North patch e. 0
Image slab 0
Centenary Exhibition : Nagarjunakonda iron objects 0
View of manuscript 0
Row of Buddhas 0
Hucchimalligudi 0
Prominent Personalities in Funeral Procession of Sanjay Gandhi 0
Chashme okay 0
Deeg : multipillard pavillion 0
Inscription no. E/ 14-66
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:Secretary General and President and Vice President with others (or Non-Aligned Conference) with others on the dais 0
Wai (satara)- Shiv mandir detail of sikhara from north-east 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi in Pavilions 0
Childhood Photo of Master Varun Gandhi 0
Takhte Rustam 0
Ajanta – the Buddha 0
Lion capital detail 0
Relic Casket 0
Rock engravings 0
Sand hills 0
Centenary Exhibition: Govardhan Dhari Krishna : Halebid 0
CHAK 72/2
Nandi mandapa 0
Khunja: general view 0
Badami : upper Sivalaya close up of ganas 0
Aquatint from Daniel's engraving Armenian bridge : Mambalam bridge near Saidapet, near St Thomas mount, Madras 0
Shri Rajiv Gandhi and Smt. Sonia Gandhi 0
Calcutta : e.q : bar Celt : two from West Bengal 0
Kashmir Landscape 0
Hampi Queen’s bath interior view 0
Chandigarh Excavation : incised pottery 0
Amravati : worship of bodhi tree 0
Photograph of Envelop 0
Ujjain Excavation : yaksha kinnary 0
Water fall 0
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao garlanding the photographs of late Rajiv Gandhi at Faith-e-chehlam: Sarvadharam Prarthana Sabha held at 1 Tuglak Road on 1/07/1991
Chamba, H.P. : Hari Rai plinth details 0
Bust of Devi 0
River section 0
Miscellaneous : Copy of plate CXIII-B Chittorgarh part of Rana Kumbha's Palace complex after repairs.Before repairs 0
Buddha images : Sarnath : Buddha 5th century. AD 0
Photograph of Two Ladies 0
Bharadwaj:Ashram excavation 0
Bodhisattvas : Gandhar 0
Photo of Vale of Kashmir 0
Surya 0
Vaibhar hill 0
Galta: a view 0
On way to Chisti 0
Cenotaph 0
Main shrine 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli details of the base of the columnar hall 0
Badami : upper Swalaya 0
Naga and Nagi 0
Chanda one way to markanda river venuganga 0
Deeg : Suraj Bhavan 0
Malegitti Shivalaya 0
Hall of Pragati Maidan 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara ardha Ganesha other half Is believed to be at Kashi, Varanasi 0
Yaksha standing (back 0
Karla chaitya hall couple 0
Surya from Alampur 0
Phaltan– Jabreshwar mandir detail from north side 0
Maharaja of Mysore 0
Chittorgarh conservation: huts close near Vijaya stambh before conservation 8/52. 0
Miss You Mr Spencer, Bombay, 2013
Besnagar before jungle clearance, bsn-2
Dzo Nga Guardian Deity, R Warrior Dancer 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi Addressing the Audience 0
Brindaban : Madan Mohan Mander details from south west showing damaged moulding . 0
A view of trench from northwest 0
Gol gumbad: a view 0
Masterjee Series 0
Trailokyavijaya from Sarnath 0
Pushkar 0
Kosam : detailed view of excavation from east 0
Rajon ki Baoli 0
Adil Shahryar with others 0
Childhood Photograph of Adil Shahryar 0
Chandigarh Excavation : Chief Commissioner mr. Bangehis visit to the site 0
Centenary Exhibition: show case : stone objects 0
Meyo college: a view 0
Chandigarh Excavation : architectural remainer 0
Buddha head 0
Natraja from Nepalise Exhibition 0
Ujjain: Mahakal Mandir 0
Chandigarh Excavation : section of trench f :1
Excavation at Nohar 1, trench C 0
Nohar mound 1, Trench A 0
Four armed Vishnu standing 0
Inauguration of Urdu Computer 0
Panel depicting standing headless lady and female attendant on either side below 0
New Delhi : Chandillars suspended in Hyderabad house drawing room (wing b) 0
Govardhan : details of wall of Balawant chhattri 0
Golbai Excavation : Bone Harpoon from chalcholethic period 0
Inside view of India International Trade Fair, New Delhi in 1983
Sarnath: deer park 0
Atha Khambha: a view 0
Coochbehar Palace : jungle clearance : Before Conservation 0
Papanashini math 0
Jhajjar : inscription on slab with Acharya Bhagwan Deo of gurukul 0
Besnagar : bsn-3 b4 showing two courses of stones retaining wall from west 0
Misc: Delhi transferred to Calcutta University 0
Unidentified Person 0
Ghazni: a view 0
Golgumbad 0
China printed matter :copied from Chinese book: plate no. 30
Govardhan : celiling painting on a chhattri 0
Kirtti stambha facing south: a view 0
Gopuram 0
Bodhisattva 0
Kaka Ghulam Ali village & Kabul Road 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 16 sec II small wooden logs embeded in the body of rampart 0
Delhi : standing Vishnu :stone from Jawan Khurd with Sri Nawab Singh Chauhan M.P Aligarh 0
Kosam: detailed view of excavation on north -western section 0
View of audience 0
Brahmagiri : polished stone axes. Ancient India no. 4. pl. cxiii 0
Ancient: A brick in Shahre Gulgula 0
Qutub Complex 0
Fragment depicting the figures of flying Vidyadharas holding a garland in their hands 0
Misc sisupalgarh section across the defences 0
Ras mancha: general view 0
Shri Rajiv Gandhi Addressing the Audience 0
Mohenjodaro : brass statuette of ravanta horse rider :New Delhi 0
Munda theri: general view 0
Chamba, H.P. : Gauri Sankar plinth details 0
Natraja from Minal 0
Railings 0
A View of the Cultural Program 0
Eastern gopuram 0
Misc: Bhagawanpur T.C. object of a dity 0
Couple standing 0
Two faced panel depicting Gaja Vyala and a headless female figure on its two sides 0
Photograph of Two Beautiful Ladies 0
Village fair 0
Nizam of Hyderabad
Udayeshwar TMP: small TMP in front 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi 0
The View of the Gathering 0
Kuvera from Kalyanpur 0
Monastic hall 0
Nagarjunakonda : casting the horoscope 0
Tange Azam inscription 0
Deeg Palace 0
Mohammad Yunu in Discussion 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan love scene 0
Fragment depicting the defaced figure of seated Brahma and male figure fighting with a crocodile 0
Railing 0
Japanese banner 0
Malika-e-Maidan 0
Paintings in the niche of Buddha 0
Gaja : Vyala 0
Rani Gumpha 0
Buddhajayanti preparation at Bodhgaya : the modellar at work 0
Sanchi : relic casket. 0
A male figure in Dvibhanga Pose 0
Delhi: Nepali tauka in possession of globe trader 0
Chattrari : decorated door frame 0
Delhi: Malviya Nagar surface collection of animal sherds 0
Image from Kanchipuram 0
Marine Drive Series, Bombay, 2013
Misc. Nagarjunakonda couples 0
Group of Children in a Fancy Dress 0
Gandhiji going for a meeting 0
Inscription no. E/ 14-68
Misc: Bhopal Bhojpuri 0
Govardhang : painting inside ofa chattri 0
Centenary Exhibition : Harappa perforated jar 0
Chaitya 0
Ali-II, Rauzah 0
Dhauli Elephant 3/4 view 0
Pottery 0
General view of the site 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi.with her sons Master Rajiv Gandhi and Master Sanjay Gandhi 0
Rana Fateh singh memorial in palace: a view 0
Bharatpur noh Yakasha 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 2 view of structures of different periods l East 0
Badar Kali: general view 0
View of audience at India International Trade Fair, 1985, New Delhi 0
Besnagar excavatio: bsn- 0
Mahatma Gandhi with People Listening to the Verses of the Quran Peacefully After the Riot (March 1947) 0
Shri Rajiv Gandhi with Shri R. Venkataraman 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi and Shri. Rajiv Gandhi with Foreign Dignitaries 0
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:View of delegates attending the conference 0
Tungabhadra river: a view 0
Figure of divinity 0
Pir Ratannathji dargah: inscription on Ganesh image 0
Arial View of the Gathered Audience 0
Siva and Parvati 0
Shahre Zohak on way to Bamiyan 0
Saraswati seated in lalitasana 0
Mrs Kennedy with Prime Minister Nehru Whose Guest She was for a Couple of Days During Her Stay in New Delhi, 1962
Artisans for inlay work 0
Paintings near Buddha 1
Human leg wearing ornament 0
Bust of Yaksha 0
Chandigarh Excavation : incised pottery sherd 0
Smt. Sonia Gandhi with Her Family 0
Kosam : detailed view of excavation from north-east 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Nairitya 0
Hindu Women Donating their Jewellery to Mahatma Gandhi in the Muslim Relief Fund (March 1947) 0
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan: architectural detail 0
Image from a doorlintel 0
Tripurantaka 0
Portrait of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 0
New Rajgir city 0
Emaciated Buddha 0
Kashmir: Sharda manuscript. 0
Fragment depicting a head with chipped face 0
Misc : preaching Buddha Sarnath. 0
Smt. Indira Gandhi, Shri. Rajiv Gandhi and Smt. Sonia Gandhi 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli view of columner with “Bell and Bar” brackets 0
Adil Shahryar lying in state/ Body of Adil Shahryar 0
Misc. Nagarjunakonda great departure 0
Unidentified lady 0
Two prominent personalities 0
Excavation 0
Fragment depicting the headless and seated Jina figures 0
Teracotta: Teracotta figures 0
Ajanta: general view 0
Unidentified personality 0
Photograph of Sardar Patel with other people 0
Tara 0
A bullock cart for general conveyance 0
Image of Varaha 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Nandi 0
Portrait of Yusuf 0
Chandragiri: Palace 0
Besnagar excavation: bsn- 0
A fragmentary image of Uma Maheshvara 0
Wai (satara)- Lakshmana mandir from south-east 0
Daria Daulet Bagh : showing the damaged wood carving with paintings on the arch cusps on the South, Srirangapatna, Mandya 0
Fatehpur Sikri: a view 0
Ujjal baoli 0
Buddha standing (Gandhar) 0
Nalanda : Badgaon: lower portion of Parvati 0
Miscellaneous : Fake Antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Standing male figure Height 26cm Front view 0
Misc: cotc, Ratnagiri bronze and copper 0
Ray directing for 'The Home and the World', 1984
Coochbehar Palace : Before Conservation 0
Deeg : Southern Palaces 0
A highly mutilated image of Uma : maheshvara 0
Chandigarh Excavation : burial site with pottery 0
Towns & hills behind Maurana 0
Image of Buddha 0
Sabed Rawan mound or Sperwan mound 0
Banavasi Madhukesvara Linga of Madhukesvara 0
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli closer view of the upper trefoie arch with the eastern wall of the well in the background 0
Misc : diamabad : copper objects of Chalcolithic Period. 0
Shahre Gulgula 0
Inscription no. E/ 14-66 1-4
Three of the bigger copper implements 0
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and Smt. Indira Gandhi 0
Fire Altar 0
Stone engraving at Delhla 0
Ralta Khera-2: general view 0
Shri Rajiv Gandhi & Smt. Sonia Gandhi with others on the dais in a function in the memory of Late Shri Feroze Gandhi's 75th Birth Day Celebrations on 12th Sept.1987 at Rae Bareli & 125th Birth day celebration of Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi Jayanti Samaroh. 0
Letter of Ram Mohan Roy to ministry of foreign affairs of France 0
Teracotta: wooden door frame details 0
A lion 0
Miscellaneous : The Bagumare Plates of Indra Raja III : Rashtra Kuta Inscription : Figure 94
Malik-E-Maidan cannon: a view 0
The great decease: Gandhar 0
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 4a view of group of pots and potsherds with a bone in situ in the moat 0
Bhadrakali-2: general view 0
Theatre hall 0
Carpenters 0
Misc: Arab-ki-sarai New Delhi: paintings 0
Head of a Sardula 0
Centenary Exhibition : Lothal painted pottery 0
Two faced slab depicting defaced blurred image of Vishnu on its two different faces 0
Adhai-din-ka- Jhopra 0
Shantinath in kayotsarga posture 0
Floor levels belonging to period ii : late levels 0
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Mahatma Gandhi 0
New Delhi : Chandillars suspended in Hyderabad house state dinning hall 0
Indo-Pak War, 1965
Chamba, H.P. : Chandra Gupta bhairar 0
Dharma Chakra supported by four lions 0
General view of trench from northwest 0
Baradari 0
Garland bearers and Devotees 0
North patch microliths 0
Misc: recopy negative from Indian Archaeology: 1960
Bibi ka maqbara 0
Hampi danaik’s enclosure watch tower 0
Head of Shiva 0
Bodhgaya: a detail on the railing 0
Buddhajayanti preparation at Sarnath : a gardner watering flowers beds. 0
Bhadrakali-4: general view 0
Bodhisattva in Tushita heaven 0
Sarnath : Buddha in Abhaya Mudra 0
Govardhan : marble chattri 0
Br.21 urian burial no. 1
Nalanda monasteries 1
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan scene from epic 1
Manmandir 1
View of audience attending the function in the memory of Late Shri Feroze Gandhi's 75th Birth Day Celebrations on 12th Sept.1987 at Rae Bareli & 125th Birth day celebration of Acharya Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi Jayanti Samaroh 1
Family Photograph of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 1
Celebrating New Year with Friends and Colleagues 1
Sirkap: general view 1
Children Enjoying Rides of Appu Ghar 1
Brahamgiri, Chandrawali 1
Padmini's palace 1
Bodhisattva : Gandhar 1
Centenary Exhibition : method and preservation view of the hall 1
Hyderabad house, state dining hall 1
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 17 remains of the animals skelton in a pit of period 1
Painting from Khajanchi collection 1
Houz-e-Shamsi 1
Tara from Nepal 1
Gada Shah's shop 1
Dewan-e-khas 1
Ashokan column: a view of inscription 1
Mazar-i-Sharif,Mazar of Hazrat Ali 1
Besnagar excavation: bsn-3
Lashkar gah 1
Musician on way to Kabul 1
Mahatma Gandhi (1940) 1
P. G. ware : red A. C. 1940 : 44
The Bodhi tree 1
Mahatma Gandhi with Sardar Patel 1
Bodhgaya: the railings 1
Portrait of Shri Rajiv Gandhi 1
Govardhan : chhattri of Maharaja Surajmal 1
Punjab : Mughal Sarai 1
Ekant Rameshwaram 1
Chak 40
Buddhajayanti preparation at Nalanda : women labours griding bricks. 1
Bahadur Nanji, Musician, Composer, Music Arranger, Bombay, 2013
Siva : Parvati 1
Smt. Indira Gandhi with Prominent Personality 1
Nepalese banner 1
South India: Bust of Devi 1
Destruction of Houses of Riot Affected Area (March 1947) 1
Nataraja 1
Inscription no. E/14-71 & 72
Misc: copy negative of photographs of antiquities section 1
Misc. Ganesh purchased by stella kranstet 1
Kirtti stambha from Konark: details of the base 1
Nohar mound 1
A head 1
Misc : copy from a page of graphic art hand book 1958
Manuscript received from Dr. Chhabra 1
View of Cultural Programme 1
Lion capital 1
Delhi brass objects with seven Matrikas and some symbols 1
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila view of pottery yard 1
Galta ghati : a view 1
Misc. Attirampakkam : paleolithic tools 1
Pl.1763 frontier province vol - ix Juliana Taxila Hazara niche no. 10 cell no. 1
Smt. Indira Gandhi in Conversation 1
Misc. Parliament: exhibition opening by Sri R.K. Negade Parliament House 1
Priest at Nana Chowk Series, Bomay, 1985
Portrait of a Man 1
Preparing to Shoot the Incomparable Murals on the Ceiling of the Kala Bhavan, at Visva-Bharati for 'The Inner Eye', Ray's Tribute to His Teacher Binodebehari Mukherjee 1
Rupamati palace 1
Inscription no. E/7-94
A Random Picture with Personalities 1
Chaitya: a view 1
Buddha images : Sarnath : Buddha 1
Fragmentary image of a Jain Tirthankara 1
Elephant: rock-cut 1
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila general view of the excavated trenches 1
Champa baoli 1
View of cultural program at India International Trade Fair 1989, Sikkim 1
Mahatma Gandhi's Funeral Procession 1
Chak 15
Kosam : general view of site no.-2, southern sector from south 1
Varaha 1
Kanauj : four faced Linga 1
Centenary Exhibition: general view of exhibition 1
Baroda C.A.B. meeting 1
Coping stone 1
Govardhan : chhattri of Maharaj Balwant Singh 1
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan dancers 1
Centenary Exhibition: wall photographs 1
Painting in Khajanchi gallery 1
P. G. ware from A. C. 1940 : 44
Bharaputrakas (bracket figures) 1
Miscellaneous line drawing 1
Old Court House street, Calcutta 1
Bodhgaya: coping stone 1
Buddha : Gandhar 1
The Different Stages in the Scoring, Rehearsing, Recording and Final Take of a Song Sequence in 'The Kingdom of Diamonds' 1
Nalanda decorative figure site no.2
Baijnath H.P: Mahadeo n. side porch of mandapa details 1
Misc: Karnataka exhibition in Ashoka Hotel donor couple from sannati distt. Gulbarga 1
Gandhak ki Baoli 1
The View of a Building 1
Badami : upper Sivalaya group of ganas 1
Ches Blades 1
Three headed Brahma standing 1
Kosam : other mound before excavation 1
Deeg : Bhodo Bhawan 1
Harasiddhi mandir 1
Colossal 53 metre Buddha 1
Throne platform: detail of bas relief 1
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976: Two delegates 1
Teracotta: teracotta head 1
Image 1
Rajasthan : Rangmahal pottery 1
Besnagar excavation: 1
Image of Lakshmi-Narayana 1
Master Rahul Gandhi 1
Trench: North II, Trench II, NE 1
Renunciation of Buddha 1
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976: View of banner 1
Brindaban conservation: decayed lime plaster on the double roof of central chamber. 1
Sacred grove 1
River bank 1
Madras: copper plate 5 re: grant of Venkatta ii Vijayanagar now with Triloka factory Madras page no. 7
Puri : Rath Yatra 1
Miscellaneous : Fake antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Multi headed and Eight handed deity Height 45.5cm. Left side view 1
Portrait of a lady 1
Chaitya hall 1
Inscription of Jehangir 1
Mahisasur Mardini 1
Chattrari : Pantings 1
Malda : Dakhil Darwaza : Before Conservation 1
Mohanjodaro : copied from old photographs 1
Buddha images : Sarnath 1
Torso of an elephant 1
Male Torso 1
Allawal Khan's Rouzah: a view 1
Nohar mound 1
Parsvanath in kayotsarga posture 1
Centenary Exhibition : photographs of before and after conservation 1
Hindola torana: a view 1
Shamsherghar 1
Misc: ivory objects 1
Chitorgarh 1
Gandhiji 1
Amaravati a medallion 1
General view of the mound 1
Sirkap 1
Taj 1
Chaitya on the top of the hill 1
Indonesia visit of Jawaharlal Nehru, 1950
West gopuram 1
Gumbad 1
Ruined palace 1
Baz bahadur's palace 1
Mahatma Gandhi at the residence of Abdul Aziz in Patna (1946) 1
Parliament: exhibition opening by Sri R.K. Negade Parliament House 1
Trench 1
Pattadakal : Malikarjuna : flying figures 1
India Gandhi at The Jaipur Congress Session, 1966
Hampi Throne plateform details camels 1
Misc. Arekamadu: pottery for being sent 17
Brindaban: Madan Mohan Mander from west 1
Headless Jain Tirthankara 1
Misc: Delhi dignities at the coronation park Delhi 1
Mohenjodaro : ancient weight :published in mohenjadaro and Indus v alley civilization by Sir John Marshall. CLIV 1
Chennai circle 1
Water fall 30 miles from Bill Chiragh 1
53 metre Buddha 1
Paintings near Buddha 1
Prominent Personalities 1
Delhi: Wazirabad, inscribed copper plate before cleaning 1
Smt. Indira Gandhi with visitor 1
Monastery hall: interior view of the hall 1
Golgumbad 1
China : pottery (copied from chinese book) plate no. 1
Hucchapayamath 1
Adil Shahryar 1
Architectural fragment 1
Madrasa 1
Misc: Guddimallam, the Linga 1
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 17 remains of the animals skelton period 1
Hyderabad house 1
Bhita : general view of ram part wall on the eastern sector, from south -west 1
Malda : Dakhil Darwaza : After Conservation 1
Lohtal: public drain with well in the back-ground. 1
Birbhapur : microliths. 1
Ujjain Excavation : ujn : 17 closeup of the animals skelton in a pit of period 1
Bust of a female 1
Miscellaneous : Fake Antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Seated figure Height 16cm Back view 1
Nalanda: stucco Buddha from site iii 1
Ujjain: observatory 1
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 1
Captain Ram Charan Singh Who Composed the Patriotic Song "Kadam Kadam Badhaye Ja", Plays the Violin for Gandhiji at the Harijan Colony, 1945
Mahakapi Jataka 1
Buddha images : Sarnath : preaching Buddha 1
Buddha 1
Trench: morning exposure of trench 1
Inscription no. E/18, 86
Adil Shahryar with someone 1
Varaha 1
Palace 1
Site 1
Birbhapur : cores of chirt 1
Chandigarh Excavation : pottery 1
Lucknow: A view of residency 1
Photograph of Rippan's Birthday Party 1
Deeg : view of fountain in the garden 1
Alambusa Jataka 1
Portrait of Rajiv Gandhi 1
Phifana mound: general view 1
Monasteries 1
Tirthankara standing 1
Nahar Jhanki 1
On way back from Khulm 1
View of visitors of India International Trade Fair, New Delhi during the year 1983
Buddha standing 1
Misc: Piprawa, relic caskit 1
Kosam : rampart wall showing brick- work 1
Mandapa of Kodaikkal: Ganesha 1
Smt. Indira Gandhi with Visitors 1
Bodhgaya: a part of the railings 1
Ganesha gumpha 1
Wall painting in the second floor of Padmanabhapuram Padmanabhapuram :Trivandrum 1
Centenary Exhibition: show case : copper objects 1
Well 1
Chandigarh Excavation : section of trench f : 1
Bhatkal: Ketpanarayana Devasthan scene from Ramayana 1
Sheikh Abdullah and I.K. Gupta 1
Badami: upper sivalaya: epic scene 1
Misc: Agra, sample stone 1
Chola painting 1
Kosam : detailed view of excavation from north 1
Besnagar: inaugral function 1
Group Photograph 1
Badami : upper Sivalaya : Ramayan scene 1
Ahmad shah Abdali's Mausoleum 1
Sarnath: general view of Sarnath 1
View of Painting of Algeria 1
Chattrari : Fountain slab 1
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Jawaharlal Nehru 1
Govardhan : painting on the ceiling of the chhattri of hansia and Laxmi Ranies 1
Mahishasuramardini 1
Basoli palace 1
A view 1
Trench: general view of trench 1
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Smt. Indira Gandhi 1
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Series, Bombay, 1985
Brahma 1
Bodhisattva standing 1
Kakke Kohzad 1
Observatory 1
Jaina Basti 1
Portrait of Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit 1
Head of Buddha 1
Baroli ceiling of Srinagar Chauri 1
Begam's palace 1
Ramesra mound: general view 1
Lothal: painted pottery 1
Calcutta : i.m : Yakshi from Besnagar. 1
Drawings 1
Bhatkal: Jattappa Naikan Chandranatheswar Vasti widow detail 1
Centenary Exhibition: freize from Khajuraho 1
Buddha seated 1
Portrait of Rahul Gandhi 1
Mahakal mandir 1
Jantar mantar 1
Turkish sultan's palace 1
Hanumangarh 1
Chamba, H.P. : Bansi Gopal Ganga 1
B. patch group of microliths 1
Badami: upper sivalaya: krishnayan scene 1
Portrait of Wali Khan 1
Way to Hotel 1
Nagda structures of period 1
Kala Aab 1
Cochin 1
Pedestal of a Jain image 1
Guzargah 1
Thanjavur Chola paintings 1
Ahar Chatri of one of the Mahavanas 1
Coochbehar Palace : After Conservation 1
Bust of Parvati 1
City 1
Outer defence with a later supporting wall 1
Women labourers grinding bricks 1
View of Pragati Maidan 1
Head of Bodhisattva 1
Misc: copy photographs of different type of cymbles. 1
Chandigarh Excavation : painted pottery 1
Tibbas 1
Kabul river: Kabul river on way to Jalalabad 1
Thanesar excavation: Harash Ka Tila view of the camp 1
Hoshang Shah's Mausoleum 1
Nalanda : Badgaon: Chaturmukha linga at Suraj Kund 1
Haidar burz 1
Portrait of Adil Shahryar 1
Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi 1
Portrait of a Prominent Personality 1
Dashasvamedh ghat: general view 1
Hughe's Road Series, Bombay, 1986
Shri. Rajiv Gandhi in Conversation 1
Eastern gopuram 1
View of gathering at swargeeya Rajiv Gandhi ka Faith-e-chehlam : Sarvadharam Prarthana Sabha held at 1 Tuglak Road on 1.07.1991
Remains of a door : Jamb 1
Siva head 1
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan with Adil Shahryar 1
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:Smt. Indira Gandhi with others on dais of Ministerial Conference of Non-Aligned Countries on the Press Agencies Pool 1
Agra : stone implements from Agra circle 1
Miscellaneous .: Receiption : D. G.A with Professor Naveen of Afghanistan Cultural Minister. 1
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s visit to Rohtang 1
Railing details 1
General view 1
Monastery 1
Besnagar: panormic view bns-1
Fragment of railing 1
Lohtal: a public drain. 1
Portrait of Vijayalakshmi Pandit 1
Misc: cotc standing Buddha, bronze from village venerovatist bulgaris 1
Cochin Church 1
Misc: Microlithic tools, collection of Dr. Alchin 1
Govardhan : celiling painting on a small chhattri 1
Poona: sarvarvada remains of structure 1
Bawari camp 1
Chandigarh Excavation : grinders 1
Turkish sultana palace 1
Microliths 1
The Guests at Exhibition 1
Centenary Exhibition: show case : misc. objects 1
Bibi-Ki-Baoli: a view 1
Kharamukh : way to Bharmaur 1
Bank of river 1
Hemakunta hill: a view 1
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru with Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 1
Image of Buddha seated 1
A painting 1
Water fall : a view 1
Prasadika Yakshi 1
Buddha seated in Bhumisparshamudra 1
Stamped pottery 1
Remains of a door : lintel 1
Chahelzira: persian inscription 1
A male head with blurred face 1
The View of a Scenery 1
Nc.10 chaturmukha lingam 1
Portrait of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru 1
Centenary Exhibition: show case : potteries 1
Paintings near Buddha (53 meters) 1
Bodhgaya: a detail on the railing couple 1
Smt. Indira Gandhi on Dias 1
Miscellaneous : Fake Antiquities for demonstration purposes to trainees. Two Tantric figure Height 14.5cm. Back view 1
Jeep on boat being dropped in river 1
Chhatrari Chamba, H.P. : image of Shakati Devi bronze 1
Water fall of Vyghra river 1
Committee Meeting at Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur Congress Session 1
Besnagar excavation: bsn-3 general view 1
Bharadwaj:Ashram excavation 1
Bodhgaya: a detail on the railings 1
Ajanta: water fall of Vyhaghro River 1
Makasar-2: general view 1
Piprahwa : View of the Monastary. 1
Portrait of Smt. Indira Gandhi 1
Misc. Rupar : painted pottery 1
Birbhanpur excavation: BBP: Microliths 1
Image of Buddha seated, (broken) 1
Delhi : Ganga ahichhetra 1
Bust of Buddha 1
Observatory: a view 1
Image of Gomateshvara 1
Laliana mound: general view 1
Pulpit 1
Chandigarh Excavation : section of trench a : 1
Delhi : incriptiob on above image (Devi image) 1
Different Stages of a Take on Location in Palamu for 'Days and Nights in the Forest' with Simi Garewal and Samit Bhanja, 1969
Nohar 1
Misc: Vaishali panch mukkha mohander near Vaishali 1
Ajanta 1
The modeller at work 1
Galta 1
Besnagar: post Gupta structure bsn-1, a1
Making stone ready for inlay painting 1
Bheraghat: image no. 1
Mahatma Gandhi with Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Government House, 1947
Gandhiji with Rajkumari Amrit Kaur 1
Wall of crucilder: a view 1
Mansingh palace 1
View of manuscript 1
Row of Buddhas 1
Chashme okay 1
Conference of Non-Aligned countries on Press Agencies Pool, New Delhi, July 8-13, 1976:Secretary General and President (or Non-Aligned Conference) with others on the dais 1
Takhte Rustam 1
Lion capital detail 1
Relic casket 1
Rock engravings 1
Khunja: general view 1
Shri Rajiv Gandhi and Smt. Sonia Gandhi 1
Kashmir Landscape 1
Chandigarh Excavation : incised pottery 1
Water fall 1
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao garlanding the photographs of late Rajiv Gandhi at Faith-e-chehlam: Sarvadharam Prarthana Sabha held at 1 Tuglak Road on 1/07/1991
Chamba, H.P. : Hari Rai plinth details 1
Bust of Devi 1
River section 1
Buddha images : Sarnath : Buddha 5th century. AD 1
Photograph of two Ladies 1
Bharadwaj:Ashram excavation 1
Bodhisattvas : Gandhar 1
Surya 1
Vaibhar hill 1
On way to Chisti 1
Cenotaph 1
Main shrine 1
Bundi Rani-ka-Baoli details of the base of the columnar hall 1
Deeg : Suraj Bhavan 1
Malegitti Shivalaya 1
Hall of Pragati Maidan 1
Surya from Alampur 1
Phaltan– Jabreshwar mandir detail from north side 1
Miss You Mr Spencer, Bombay, 2013
Besnagar before jungle clearance, bsn-2
A view of trench from northwest 1